
Need help with 2D puddle

Started by May 24, 2014 09:36 PM
6 comments, last by BradDaBug 10 years, 4 months ago

In my game kittens can dissolve into a puddle of goop, but I'm not happy with how the puddles look. You can see below.

I'm not sure what I can do to make them look better. How can I represent a puddle in this stylized way that matches the rest of the game on completely flat terrain? Any ideas?


And here is the puddle texture:


I like the DARK layout!

I'm not an artist, but maybe something like this?



I like that a bit better than what I have. Here is my attempt (The dark spots aren't part of the decal. That's a bit of green smoke left by a kitten before it dissolved):


But there's still something off about it. It could just be that it doesn't jibe with the blood. The blood is a little more realistic but the goop is very stylized.

I like the DARK layout!

....Maybe just recolor the blood to blue, then remove a bit of spatter? That way the style matches, and the amount of work put into the art assets is minimal.

I sort of like yours better, maybe because of the shape. I like the looks of your blood, not sure if you can make that look better in a stylized fashion. Btw, is this a circle or a sphere? You mentioned flat terrain, but I keep seeing this as a sphere.

It's flat circle.

Here is another attempt. I based it on the blood decal, so it fits a little better, but it doesn't really look like a puddle. It looks more like... I'm not sure. But I think I'm going in the right direction. I just wish I knew how to make it look more puddle-y. Should the interior be smoother? And making a green puddle contrast against the green grass is tricky.


I like the DARK layout!

What about a darker, tar like substance?

I darkened and smoothed it, and now I'm feeling a bit better about it. It's a big improvement over what I had. But it still doesn't look quite right. It looks like a dried wax seal rather than a puddle of goo. I think I'll try to smooth out the edges a bit to make it look more wet and gooey.


I like the DARK layout!

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