
I just created an account because I'm brainstorming a game...

Started by May 23, 2014 06:19 AM
8 comments, last by Tom Sloper 10 years, 3 months ago

I'm currently studying Computer Science at Eastern Washington University. This is my first time posting so I hope you don't mind showing me around. I have a ton of questions, but first I'll give you a little background.

My first programming class was python, two years ago. Now I'm in advanced 300 lvl Java courses. For 3D modeling and animation I've been working exclusively with 3DSmax in my 400 lvl 3D courses. These are the programs I am currently confident with.

What I hope to learn most from are real world methods for bringing my visions, dreams, and imaginations into reality. By the end of my studies I hope to have robust demos and mods to add to my portfolio and demo reels. I've already begun tutorials on Visual Studio in order to learn C# and C++. I also downloaded the Unreal SDK and editor because I want to make an FPS. The other reason is because I will learn these programs at the university, just not yet. My game dev class has some pre reqs, but they use Unreal and others. My first question would be, What should I ask first?

I like to think that with my experience and the amount of resources available to me, I can at least start building my 1st game this year. But then that leads me to my next question. I want to make a sci fi mech fighter game like zone of the enders meets mech assult. I don't mind starting out basic and then working into something more complex. My goal is not to make money with it (although ideal) but rather to make something worthy of showing off to game companies for when I graduate. I want to incorporate all of my skills and talents, but without wasting any time. So, with my current experience, can someone point me in the right direction for someone dreaming of building a sci fi mech fps. thnx a bunch.

Start with something simple, pong, snake, ... Something that has simple rules that are well known. That will help you focus on making the application that is the game (game loop, communication between different parts of the game, rendering, ...). It will also help you finish something, which is the most important thing when starting out.

Once you've finished that simple game, you'll have some experience and that lets you ask good questions on how to go further towards the game that you do want to make.



I want to make a sci fi mech fighter game like zone of the enders meets mech assult. I don't mind starting out basic and then working into something more complex. My goal is not to make money with it (although ideal) but rather to make something worthy of showing off to game companies for when I graduate. I want to incorporate all of my skills and talents, but without wasting any time. So, with my current experience, can someone point me in the right direction for someone dreaming of building a sci fi mech fps. thnx a bunch.

A large development project is probably not the best idea to start with. When you are still need to study a lot of stuff, you should start with really small projects, but many of them. One of the hardest parts in learning doing development is the right estimation of development efforts, and I know not one single person up to date, who have started by underestimating it by far, including myself.

Hey, welcome abroad!

If you never made a game by yourself, start with something simple like tetris, star attack, life-game or something similar. However, don't hesitate to read about advanced topics aswell and try things out. I have no doubt that you will be able to produce the demo you are dreaming about, when you'll get all of the parts of the development flow together and understand them, through testing and writing small games or demos for proof of concept.

This will help you understand some important game parts and mechanisms:

What exactly are you brainstorming?
About starting out, as some people said, it is very important to start small, or you'll find yourself overwhelmed and uncomfortable. One thing that helped me -a lot- was Game Development books in general, and I know there are a few good pieces for java.

One of the hardest parts in learning doing development is the right estimation of development efforts

That's true. I usually estimate it based on the usual aspects, and then multiply it by three. If I'm on unknown grounds, four. These estimates were correct more than once, a tad too much time mostly, but never too short.

I just created an account because I'm brainstorming a game...
What I hope to learn most from are real world methods for bringing my visions, dreams, and imaginations into reality. ... can someone point me in the right direction for someone dreaming of building a sci fi mech fps.

What is it you're asking? Are you asking for brainstorming help (design)? Or are you asking a technical question, like how to program your game?

The question is unclear.

-- Tom Sloper --


Thank you for the replies everyone.

I really appreciate the insight I've already received. I know I have a lot of work ahead of me, so I hope I wasn't confusing. My 1st goal is to start small. That's clear to me. So I'll start with all the reading material I've gathered, and hopefully you'll see me asking specific programing questions in the future. After the basics are well understood, I'll be sharing ideas and designs. For now, I just wanted to introduce myself. thanks again


A large development project is probably not the best idea to start with.

Well imo its quite good idea.

You learn what you dont know, you go learn it, you add ti to game repeat and you got the big game done.

The process for big game and small game is allot different from my experience, you cannot structure big game as you do small, but you can structure small game as big game.

So if you want to make big game, train for big game... That being said, small game and big game has it own benefits and disadvantages, the answer differs from user to user.

For now, I just wanted to introduce myself.

"For beginners" is not intended to let people introduce themselves. Use the lounge for that. wink.png

For now, I just wanted to introduce myself.

"For beginners" is not intended to let people introduce themselves. Use the lounge for that. wink.png

Agreed. Moving this to the Lounge.

-- Tom Sloper --

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