Thanks for stopping by.
- Currently a Lead Artist but effectively acting Art Director at a small (25 - 30 employees) indie studio.
- 6 years experience (was made a lead 2 - 3 years ago).
- Credited on 5 console titles and 2 PC titles.
- Very favourable reviews for the visuals on the releases I was Lead Artist on.
- Around £25,000 personal savings.
- Moved back in with my family who have offered to pay essentials until I get up and running.
- Won't be taking a salary.
- Brother is a Junior Designer at another studio who has pledged a certain amount of time he can help me.
- Have many friends who are accomplished musicians and will make me music in advance of payment.
My coder.
- Graduates from a good University this summer (Mathematics/Computer Science).
- Has done numerous small internships, paid summer work and later a full year placement at the studio I work at.
- The code team have continually sung his praises and gave him more challenging tasks than some of the Junior Coders.
- He frequently takes part in Game Jams and produces his own small prototype games.
- We share a world outlook, development philosophy and generally get on very amicably.
- Has offered to work as a sole trader invoicing me for a minimum wage until we can start seeing some revenue.
The plan.
- Prototype three raw ideas over the summer before I leave work and he finishes University.
- Spend 6 months refining one of them in to a small Steam Greenlight title.
- Release the other two for free as a marketing exercise to start getting the new company's name out there.
- I register a Public Limited Company he registers as a Sole Trader.
At what point do I need to involve a lawyer and an accountant?
How much will they cost and what do I get from them?
Does anyone see a problem with my planned 6 month arrangement with my coder or anything else?
I wanted to avoid getting finance and make something purely with my own savings but I'm worried there really isn't enough and we'll be left with half a game when we run out of money. I have been involved with a successful Kickstarter before and I learned a lot from the process.
I know it's a lot to take in. Thanks again if you made it this far.