
The next Unreal Tournament is going to be a free, open-source game made in UE4. Development starts today

Started by May 08, 2014 08:49 PM
6 comments, last by NightCreature83 10 years, 4 months ago

The catch is, you have to be a UE subscriber to contribute :/ What do you guys think? Is subscribing worth it, for contributing to UT?

If you were ever interested in how these big AAA engines worked its well worth it to subscribe for 1 month just to get access to that. There isn't a minimum commitment like Unity so u can cancel at anytime i beleive.


If you were ever interested in how these big AAA engines worked its well worth it to subscribe for 1 month just to get access to that. There isn't a minimum commitment like Unity so u can cancel at anytime i beleive.

In order to contribute to UT, you'll need to stay on with a subscription or you will lose access to the UT GitHub repository.

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- Nicholas Negroponte

If you were ever interested in how these big AAA engines worked its well worth it to subscribe for 1 month just to get access to that. There isn't a minimum commitment like Unity so u can cancel at anytime i beleive.

In order to contribute to UT, you'll need to stay on with a subscription or you will lose access to the UT GitHub repository.

Darn. That means if I fork the repo, that'll be gone too? What a bummer -.-

Darn. That means if I fork the repo, that'll be gone too? What a bummer -.-

Despite the erroneous title of this thread, UT will _not_ be open source. Any expectation to the contrary is unreal(istic). The Unreal source code is not free or open source; why would UT be?

Sean Middleditch – Game Systems Engineer – Join my team!

Darn. That means if I fork the repo, that'll be gone too? What a bummer -.-

Despite the erroneous title of this thread, UT will _not_ be open source. Any expectation to the contrary is unreal(istic). The Unreal source code is not free or open source; why would UT be?

I see what you did there ;)

Well I thought it is open source initially, until I found out about the UE subsciption. So In a way it's *open* source for those who *pay* them -.-

The EULA does say that once subscription is cancelled you can still use the code for the latest version at that particular time. So paying 20$ once and getting all the source sounds like a good idea.. but that still doesn't beat the thought of the game being open source all together.

Interesting experiment, hope it will not turn into a wikipedia-like diktat (not from Epic developers, but from external contributors)...

As a gamer I really hope it will not turn into Unreal Fortress 4, with tons of hats, Lady Gaga style costumes, and other tons of garbage like TF2...I loved TFE (Valve ruined it, with add-ons, workshop and the F2P model) and I loved UT2004...

I know that successful F2P games (usually it read as PayToWin) are more profitable than "pay-one-and-play-forever" games, but killing some brands should be a world crime, and some publishers and some CEO they should go to work as notaries, they could gain more money and continue making people angry.
"Recursion is the first step towards madness." - "Skegg?ld, Skálm?ld, Skildir ro Klofnir!"
Direct3D 12 quick reference:

Darn. That means if I fork the repo, that'll be gone too? What a bummer -.-

Despite the erroneous title of this thread, UT will _not_ be open source. Any expectation to the contrary is unreal(istic). The Unreal source code is not free or open source; why would UT be?

I see what you did there ;)

Well I thought it is open source initially, until I found out about the UE subsciption. So In a way it's *open* source for those who *pay* them -.-

The EULA does say that once subscription is cancelled you can still use the code for the latest version at that particular time. So paying 20$ once and getting all the source sounds like a good idea.. but that still doesn't beat the thought of the game being open source all together.

even though you pay them for access if they actually take a push request from you into the game you can actually say you worked on a triple A project. This was kinda the push I needed to go check the UE4 engine out at least :)

Worked on titles: CMR:DiRT2, DiRT 3, DiRT: Showdown, GRID 2, theHunter, theHunter: Primal, Mad Max, Watch Dogs: Legion

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