
Games as diet tool

Started by May 08, 2014 09:11 AM
11 comments, last by JDX_John 10 years, 4 months ago
I'm on iphone so I couldn't quote the part of the article I was interested in. Basically it was saying how we're wired to experience fun as a signal that we're doing something important and beneficial for our survival and replication. Doing things in a group, being social, learning and applying anything challenging.

Inferior genes can be passed on to progeny by individuals with a propensity to reproduce, thus bringing down the fitness of the species. Reproduction as a value makes everything arbitrary. We've successfully ensured the survival of our species, so where does evolution proceed next. Saying that reproduction is the meaning to life makes life seem empty to me. In life I guess we mustn't try to improve our chances of reproducing when it goes against our nature, but highlight those aspects of our nature that do give us a competitive advantage, for what we're worth to the gene pool.

I don't think a game addiction precludes one from reproducing.

Getting drunk and mucking about might benefit you individually at the expense of the group. It breaks the social order and allows you to do things you couldn't because you were too inhibited.

Inferior genes can be passed on to progeny by individuals with a propensity to reproduce, thus bringing down the fitness of the species. Reproduction as a value makes everything arbitrary. We've successfully ensured the survival of our species, so where does evolution proceed next.

Evolution doesn't "proceed" anywhere; it just happens.
In the same way if genes are inferior or not is only relative to the environment the species finds itself in; same with the fitness of a species - its completely relative to the conditions.

Life not having meaning might make it seem empty to you but, unless you believe in an Imaginary Sky Friend, that's the cold hard truth. Life is just an accident of chemistry. Beyond that the universe is a large, cold, uncaring thing with no meaning to it.

Also, we've hardly secured anything; yes, in the western world life is easier to survive but people still die for petty stupid reasons due to greed and money. In vast amounts of the world people are dying in their thousands. We spend most of our time basically on the brink of killing ourselves. Our misuse of medicine has put us on the brink of being wiped out by a virus or bacteria and the fact that we are clinging to one rock, meaning that all it would take is for another rock to hit us and wipe us out, puts us on the edge too.

Ultimately, if the universe undergoes 'heat death', then everything we do is pointless anyway smile.png

Usually addiction leads to more eating, or binge eating. Also sitting while playing, not so good for losing weight.

No so sure about this, but replacing one addiction with another is probably not really getting to the root of the problem! - medical simulation software

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