
need a 3D Modelling/animation tool

Started by November 02, 2001 05:17 PM
7 comments, last by Lunatic Hill 22 years, 8 months ago
Hi! We are two guys (Lunatic Hill), searching for a nice Freeware/shareware 3D modelling/animation tool any 0'' you guys know one? Please tell us! if you don´t like to tell us in this forum write: ------------------------------ -Lunatic Hill -Chill in the Meantime! ------------------------------
-------------------------------Lunatic Hill-Chill in the Meantime!------------------------------
There''s one excellent freeware program with one major drawback. It has features that aren''t even in some programs costing 500$+. It''s major drawback is the file format it exports to.

The program is called Blender, and you can download it from It''s a bit unintuitive, but it has excellent modelling features and even has IK and FK animation capabilities as well as keyframing. As I mentioned, the main disadvantage is the file format, which I believe called VXML, which is unsupported by just about everyone. However, Blender is extensible through Python, so it might be possible to make a plug-in to export to different file formats.

Linux has some modelling tools too which seemed adequate, but Blender is impossible to beat feature-wise for a freeware program, and can even beat many programs costing hundreds of dollars.

If you are willing to spend a few hundred, consider Realsoft 3d, as dollar for dollar, it''s probably one of the best modelling/animation packages out there. If you are a student, you can get the Windows version for 350$ which is fully licensable...unlike student versions of Maya or 3ds Max.
The world has achieved brilliance without wisdom, power without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount." - General Omar Bradley
Personally I feel that blender is more for rendering, and it is quite complex and you''ll probably haveto buy a manual unless you''ve worked with 3d modeling before or are REALLY REALLY dedicated.

I recommend Milkshape 3D, it''s only $20, you can test it shareware for 30 days, it has plugin tools, lots of tutorials for it -->OpenGL and -->Direct3D, if you wait for V. 2.0 and then buy it that one will have IK, there are free video tutorials for it on the web, it supports the following games already (I may miss one or two) Half-Life, Quake, Quake2, Quake3, Max Payne, Vampire The Masquarade, Serious Sam(I''m pretty sure), No One Lives Forever, a small developer made engine, it also supports that one engine some people use thats free and written in C(I really forgot the name), there might be more but I have yet to reinstall it on this machine so I can''t check. I myself bought it maybe more than a year ago, its great though there is no IK as of yet =( and the program cannot render but it supports many import/export also like ummm....tons of em''. There are also user made plugins being made for it so if you can do that you get a free copy of Milkshape. Oh, and I believe there is an .X file export for you DirectX people.
Also, a really nice program is Amapi3D. It is sold commercially, but you can get version 4 free. I don''t have a URL, but if you serch the web you should find it. It is a really nice modelor, and it has lotsa exports, including 3Dstudio. I think that Direct3D has a program that converts .3DS to .X

"It''''s the Big, Evil Microsoft Corporation & Wicked, Greedy, Too-Fucking-Rich Bill Gates vs. the We''''re-In-It-for-the-Love-and-Free-Software-for-Everybody & the Self-Effacing (Seeming) Folk Hero Linus B. Torvalds thing."
- Linus Torvalds, describing how many portray him
Can''t top gMax as a free modeler IMO....
gMax finally came out?
You can''t do anything with (the free version of) gmax. It''s essentially a stripped down version of Max, and only the commercial version of gmax has reasonable functionality.

I wanna work for Microsoft!
Original post by tuxx
Also, a really nice program is Amapi3D. It is sold commercially, but you can get version 4 free. I don''t have a URL, but if you serch the web you should find it. It is a really nice modelor, and it has lotsa exports, including 3Dstudio. I think that Direct3D has a program that converts .3DS to .X

"It''s the Big, Evil Microsoft Corporation & Wicked, Greedy, Too-Fucking-Rich Bill Gates vs. the We''re-In-It-for-the-Love-and-Free-Software-for-Everybody & the Self-Effacing (Seeming) Folk Hero Linus B. Torvalds thing."
- Linus Torvalds, describing how many portray him ( the website for downloading Amapi, and there are also a few tutorials there too.)

Original post by tuxx
Also, a really nice program is Amapi3D. It is sold commercially, but you can get version 4 free. I don''t have a URL, but if you serch the web you should find it. It is a really nice modelor, and it has lotsa exports, including 3Dstudio. I think that Direct3D has a program that converts .3DS to .X

"It''s the Big, Evil Microsoft Corporation & Wicked, Greedy, Too-Fucking-Rich Bill Gates vs. the We''re-In-It-for-the-Love-and-Free-Software-for-Everybody & the Self-Effacing (Seeming) Folk Hero Linus B. Torvalds thing."
- Linus Torvalds, describing how many portray him ( the website for downloading Amapi3D, and there are also a few tutorials there too.)

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