I'm not sure if any of you have heard the latest news but apparently Zenimax is suing Oculus over that fact that some of the "Intellectual property" John Carmack created for the Oculus Rift was done while he was still working for Zenimax.
This got me thinking, Is it legally (and morally) correct for a company to own work you create outside of working hours? I'm pretty sure that John Carmack must have spent a lot of his spare time writing software for this device and also put a lot of his own resources into it.
I just don't think it's right that a company can effectively 'own' you for the entire time you are with that company, there is something about this that makes me feel my human rights are being violated, especially if the work you create is completely unrelated to the buisness at hand and the tools, practices and methods used in development are yours and yours alone.
The reason I'm posting this is because I was thinkng about pursuing a goal of developing a small application in my spare time and making some money off of it but in the (very slight) possibility that I make a lot of money from it would it be in my employers rights to take all of the money I earn?
Also, If I bake a cake and sell it at a charity bake sale could my employer sue the charity trust? because In my opinion it's effectively the same thing.
Has anyone here had any experiences with this and could you share some advice?