
So, what have I missed?

Started by April 26, 2014 09:17 PM
18 comments, last by cr88192 10 years, 4 months ago

You missed the Great Forum Flame War it 5? I've lost track at this

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Oh. Man. Did you miss out!

Recent headlines, according to fastcall:
Phil67rpg ragequits!
In his most recent thread, Phil67rpg was called out on his inability to search the most basic of programming topics. Following the accusation, the phil announced his departure from "It's a shame," said one anonymous member, "nobody will be able whore easy reputation off him anymore." headlines attempted to reach Phil67rpg for comment, but was offline as of 2014-04-26 23:30 +00:00.

Interesting. I checked his profile, and at the time of this reply, it says that he was last active yesterday.

Btw, how do you "whore off easy reputation" off someone anyway? Any good beginner-friendly turtorials on that? laugh.png


Btw, how do you "whore off easy reputation" off someone anyway? Any good beginner-friendly turtorials on that?

I'm guessing he means that being honest/blunt with him gets you a lot of upvotes or that answering his questions makes him upvote your reply. Only two ways I can think of unless they mean something else. Though, I hate hand holding so I seldom answer.

Triple kudos congrats for your degree, relationship, job.

Welcome back, and congratulations on the degree, new living arrangements, relationship and job -- sounds like you've been very busy! :)

I was supposed to help a lot with the new Indie Resources thing (I'm not sure what' it's status is).

No need to feel bad, we all have real life commitments that have to take precedence; especially when you're just a community member volunteering some of your valuable free time! Indie Resources (and the whole Indie Corner) is still under development, but has mostly been on hold while Mike dealt with some real life of his own -- he's planning to make a new push on finishing up some of the remaining features though! :)

- Jason Astle-Adams

Welcome back, and thanks Fastcall for that round-up. I'm loving the Joe-Stick, especially the WordArt.


Hello fellow Resource Manager. Welcome back! Glad to hear your adventure in the real world was so successful. Hopefully, you'll be able to relax and soak in the greatness which is the Internet.

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


Also, you missed the thread in which we finally resolved what the best language for programming games was, and what the replacement is for dying C++.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

Also, you missed the thread in which we finally resolved what the best language for programming games was, and what the replacement is for dying C++.

I missed that too!

Beginner in Game Development?  Read here. And read here.


Also, you missed the thread in which we finally resolved what the best language for programming games was, and what the replacement is for dying C++.

Google Dart?...

(meanwhile, off reviving an old C compiler of mine, but reworking most of the backend. will target a register-based bytecode, which may then be JIT-compiled into machine-code or similar, or maybe also JS via "asm.js" or similar).

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