
So, what have I missed?

Started by April 26, 2014 09:17 PM
18 comments, last by cr88192 10 years, 4 months ago

I'm back from my hiatus. It's been months since I was active here, which I kinda feel bad about because I was supposed to help a lot with the new Indie Resources thing (I'm not sure what' it's status is).

For me, I'm just about to finish my undergraduate degree within the next week. I'm dating someone. I moved out of my parents' place into SLC. I'm working for IBM (Aspera) now. Besides those bigger things, the smaller things are mostly the same.

Have I missed anything here in GDnet land?

[size=2][ I was ninja'd 71 times before I stopped counting a long time ago ] [ f.k.a. MikeTacular ] [ My Blog ] [ SWFer: Gaplessly looped MP3s in your Flash games ]

There's a gas shortage and a flock of seagulls. That's about it.


you missed the war of the crossbones, where we the blue did battle with the red, it was glorious. many died, but by the end....we gained NOTHING!

seriously, it's the same same around these parts.

Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

Ha sweet. Well, I guess it's back to business, as usual.

[size=2][ I was ninja'd 71 times before I stopped counting a long time ago ] [ f.k.a. MikeTacular ] [ My Blog ] [ SWFer: Gaplessly looped MP3s in your Flash games ]
Who are you?
Oh. Man. Did you miss out!

Recent headlines, according to fastcall:
Phil67rpg ragequits!
In his most recent thread, Phil67rpg was called out on his inability to search the most basic of programming topics. Following the accusation, the phil announced his departure from "It's a shame," said one anonymous member, "nobody will be able whore easy reputation off him anymore." headlines attempted to reach Phil67rpg for comment, but was offline as of 2014-04-26 23:30 +00:00.

Licenses required for full GPU processing!
An author of a recently published 2d software-rendering library in C++ claims his library is slow because licensing from nvidia is required to unlock the full potential of the GPU. A quick investigation of the library exposed his code to be a piece of junk.

The controller of the future!
Two mechanical wiimotes strapped to the thighs and waist the next big thing in console controllers. The inventor claims that it'll be a guaranteed success because Jesus revealed it to him twenty years ago in a dream. "Since nobody in that time has invented anything quite as amazing, it must mean that [the controller's] success is guaranteed!"

Man, I wish that joestick thread was still around; that thing was a piece of work.


Recent headlines, according to fastcall:
Phil67rpg ragequits!

Deja vu. I wonder if this time he'll stay gone...

Licenses required for full GPU processing!

The controller of the future!

Man, I wish that joestick thread was still around; that thing was a piece of work.

Dang it, you got me curious enough to google things. Fortunately, there's still a cached page of the joestick that I found to be... life changing. I couldn't find the GPU thread...
[size=2][ I was ninja'd 71 times before I stopped counting a long time ago ] [ f.k.a. MikeTacular ] [ My Blog ] [ SWFer: Gaplessly looped MP3s in your Flash games ]

Who are you?

Yeah dud. Who am I?


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

I couldn't find the GPU thread...

Guess I wasn't specific enough... tongue.png
I've edited my last post to include links.

Maybe it's all the same guy; Phil, the korean, and joestick... Maybe that's why gamedev's been so quiet; phil was such the successful troll that there wasn't any need for such extravagant trolls... </tinfoil_conspiracies>

my case:

due to running low on compelling ideas for my game project (anything worthwhile to do or implement recently), and basically running out of worthwhile stuff to do with my video codec stuff (it basically achieves its initial goals), recently (due to feeling like doing so) went and wrote a software rasterizer exporting the OpenGL API (a 1.3 subset).

still can't pull off non-crap framerates at higher resolutions (ex: 1440x900) with everything enabled when running Quake 3 Arena on it (generally goes a lot faster with Quake 2 though, and is basically playable with Q3A at 1024x768 and/or with some rendering features disabled).

tried an idea which could theoretically make it somewhat faster, but it killed image quality (made it look about like Doom 2 smeared with excrement).

like, seemingly, even the ninja-fast speeds of modern CPUs aren't really enough to easily run Q3A at higher-resolutions while using software rendering (benchmarks from people with faster CPUs running other SW rasterizers seem to imply that this may be a general problem, vs just my lazy mostly-plain-C rasterizer being slow...).

running Doom 3 in a SW renderer looks like it would be almost impossible...

otherwise, my life now is almost exactly the same as it was 10 years ago.

not sure of much going on in the forums though...

ADD: ... those threads... LOLZ...

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