
Jetpack idea...

Started by April 19, 2014 10:26 PM
4 comments, last by Victor Wintons 10 years, 8 months ago
Hi, I am working on an idea for a first person shooter I would like to make. One of my ideas is to include a jet pack where if you are close enough to a building ledge or something similar you can fly to it and pull yourself up. If I did this it would be to create an interesting way for the player to mix up gameplay style and strategy, and also to evade attacks.

Do you guys like this idea, does it sound like fun or should I not include it?

Only works when you're in proximity to an object that you can grab and climb on? Sounds more like a grappling hook than a jetpack to me, but no matter how you dress it up that can be a fun gameplay element, adding mobility to the player and opening up the map. I say give it a shot.

Havent developed the idea entirely but I think it will be used beyond objects in proximity. After all it wouldn't be much of a jet pack otherwise...but the grapple idea will be at the core of it's use. Otherwise player can fly in short bursts. Thanks for your input.

The jetpack was one of the funnest parts of Starwars: Shadows of the Empire for the N64. Really awesome game, overall.

Funny, I was about to mention the jetpack from Shadows of the Empire as well. The jetpack in that game had a limited amount of fuel. While in use the fuel would deplete, but when not in use it would slowly recharge. Consider using a similar mechanic. It prevents level design from being tossed out the window due to the player having too much freedom of movement.

The old "Tribes" series of FPS games had a great jetpack too.

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