
Game Engine Selection/Random Maps

Started by April 15, 2014 06:03 PM
-1 comments, last by JWBrandon 10 years, 9 months ago


So, I have a mostly complete game design document for an idea I've been kicking around throughout the past couple of years. I was looking in to engines and toolsets that would handle the parts I don't want to learn how to do myself (while I have time in as a systems administrator and a network engineer, I am by no means in a position to rewrite netcode to adapt CryEngine for use in an MMOFPS!) and decided on HeroEngine ... but there's a problem.

That I am able to determine HE doesn't have any capability to meet one of my principle design goals, and that is to be able to generate dynamic instance maps (whether using procedural height maps, "tilesets" or other method that I haven't heard/conceived of.) This is a core differentiator for my design, and cannot be lived without. The thing is though that working by myself HE seems to be the most complete package of engine and toolset available. As my game is to be an MMORPG-FPS I would absolutely love to be able to use a high end FPS engine like CryEngine (been kinda of drooling on them since FarCry), but that would mean having to deal with significantly lower level code than I am capable of ... and getting access to the source to do so would be beyond my immediate budget constraints.

So, please answer one of two questions for me:

1) Is there some method of being able to generate an instance map (including doing something like seamless linking of a selected set of pre-generated small areas, which it doesn't seem can be done programmatically), dynamically placed assets, and dynamic placement of mobs and mission objective items, in HeroEngine using a psuedo-random generator?

2) Is there another engine and toolset out there that I'm not aware of that even comes close to offering what HE does for its pricetag that would allow me to build an MMO/FPS with a scripting engine (or native support for C|C++|C# code) that would easily allow RPG elements to be included? One that wouldn't require me to develop a backend infrastructure and write my own netcode, etc?

Thanks in advance, and please ask questions if you have them because answering them will help me be more clear in the future and may help me narrow down other questions I will have in the future regarding selecting an engine and tools.

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