So in this case a definition of "done" as "Functionally complete, with all images and layout" would have prevented the whole discussion.
These kinds of things are communication issues. If the project tasks are completed but the feature isn't really "done" then there may be some room for improvement in the task description and requirements gathering and documentation. For something like this, depending on the size of the project, of course, it may help to have a developer that is the final say on tasks. They know everything about the software, so they know what every feature should do. Call it "Scrum Master" or "Point of Contact" or "bellybutton", but they are responsible for closing the task when finished.
I worked for one boss long ago who was obsessed with the word "done." No one could ever figure out what his definition was, but he wielded like Thor's hammer. If software that had been deployed for six months broke and had to be fixed, he'd scream "I though you said it was done! Why are you still working on it."
This process of gathering requirements and creating software out of nothing, while managing so many different people, personality types, and areas of expertise, takes time to evolve. Make sure you have AARs (after action reviews) to evaluate your process. If something wasn't actually done, but everyone thought it was, figure out why. Was there something you could have done to see the problem? Is there something that could be done differently next time?