
What should the ninth element should be???

Started by November 01, 2001 09:44 PM
49 comments, last by Array Master 23 years, 3 months ago
My vote is for Time.

I once created an energy system for a game of mine. It''s more for ways to take damage, but it might be of some use.

- Thermal, as in heat. Cold is the lack of thermal energy. If you were to go too high or too low in this field, you''d die.

- Force, as in pushing, crushing, and forces like gravity, magnetic fields and atomic fields.

- Blade, as in cutting and slicing. Force energy was an armor for this weapon type.

- Chemical, as in the makeup of things. Weapons included mostly acids, I didn''t have very many of these.

- Power, as in electricity, light, ionic charges, and radiation. This might include some others as well.

I wasn''t able to implement this system due to the complexity of the energy system. But I thought it was a good idea. Anyone is welcome to use it / use ideas off of it if they wish.

Control ... the storm...
Danny (Array Master)
Control ... the storm...Danny (Array Master)

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