In my game the client sends movement updates each time he changes direction (or speed). It works fine, except for one thing: Recently I changed the game so that the client moves in the direction he is looking, and that can change every client frame, so that's a lot of updates.
But without sending every update, it's harder for the server to check that the client did not move illegally. It's a multiplayer game, and it's important that the clients can't cheat. With only a subset of the updates, I could check that the distance travelled between two updates is not too great, and that he does not in any of the updates stand in an illegal position. But that does not mean that he did not travel through something that he should not have been able to. But I can not just check the straight line, because that was maybe not actually the way that the client went. I suppose I could forget about checking that he did not go through anything, because if he cheats he will probably stand in an illegal position at some point.
Any ideas?