I have made some measurements using the StopWatch class of the .net framework.
When using the following steering behaviors I had the results below - using 500 boids.
Time to build K-D tree: 2.34ms. So this is not the problem.
Time to update boid steerings (all 500 boids, average time of N frames)
Behaviors used: Cohesion, Separation, VelocityMatch, ObstacleAvoidance => 46.77ms
Behaviors used: Cohesion, Separation, VelocityMatch, ObstacleAvoidance => 39.55ms
Behaviors used: Cohesion, Separation, VelocityMatch, ObstacleAvoidance => 24.44ms
So by not using some behaviors the time dropped significantly. The difference from not using VelocityMatch to not using Cohesion was bigger because Cohesion uses k = 30 for aknn while velocity match uses k = 10. When I set k = 10 for cohesion the time dropped as well.
This is the code that behaviors use to get k-nearest neighbors:
public class Flock
List<Entity> boids;
alglib.kdtree kdt;
public Flock(params Entity[] _boids)
boids = new List<Entity>();
public int GetNeighborhoodInfo(Entity character, int maxNeighbors, float maxDistance, float minDotProduct, double aknnApproxVal, out Vector3 center, out Vector3 avgVeL)
var point = new double[3]{character.position.x, character.position.y, character.position.z};
var results = new double[0, 0]; // the array containing the results (points of the k nearest neighbors)
int neighbors = (maxNeighbors == 0 ? 0 : alglib.kdtreequeryaknn(kdt, point, maxNeighbors, aknnApproxVal));
// get the results
alglib.kdtreequeryresultsxy(kdt, ref results);
center = avgVeL = Vector3.zero;
// where is the character looking
var look = character.transform.forward;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < neighbors; ++i)
var pos = new Vector3((float)results[i, 0], (float)results[i, 1], (float)results[i, 2]);
var vel = new Vector3((float)results[i, 3], (float)results[i, 4], (float)results[i, 5]);
if (pos == character.position)
if( Vector3.Distance(character.position, pos) <= maxDistance )
// check for angle
if( minDotProduct > -1.0f )
var offset = pos - character.position;
if( Vector3.Dot(look, offset.normalized) < minDotProduct )
center += pos;
avgVeL += vel;
center /= count;
avgVeL /= count;
return count;
I think it's pretty straight-forward... So I guess the only solution is to search for another library for aknn? I read somewhere that akkn could be made more efficient when using octrees instead of k-d trees.