
New Game, Need Help

Started by April 09, 2014 05:47 AM
3 comments, last by Tom Sloper 10 years, 9 months ago

I'm Matt lead developer, and founder of (and I'm sorry if I'm stepping on anybody's toes here, I couldn't find another developer by this name.) OrganizedChaos Games. Today I come to Gamedev's forum in hopes of finding some help with game designs, and maybe see if anybody would help me with programming, and modeling.
First I would like to get a generalized opinion on my game idea, it's kind of an unofficial sequel to the popular SCP game: SCP: Containment Breach. In the game you play as MTF, the game takes place after the breach and the first few missions would sorta be like re-containing a few of the SCPs. I haven't thought too much into it (kind of why I need help :p) so any opinions on that would be great.
Onto the help with development. I need some help here I'm working with Unity and I get the basics but programming, and modeling are my short comings. When it comes to modeling I am using Blender. Unfortunately I have no money to offer as this is a low (and I mean LOOOOOW) budget indie project. Lastly and I suppose I should have mentioned this earlier but the SCP game, and SCP Foundation are under a Creative Commons license (Cc) what this means is we can use what we want of the game and foundation, as long as we credit them in the end.
So if anybody can help Email me at I am also sorry about spelling and grammar mistakes it's 1:45AM in Brampton, CA.

Thank you,

So you have nothing exept some idea ?

At least i replyd.

S T O P C R I M E !

Visual Pro 2005 C++ DX9 Cubase VST 3.70 Working on : LevelContainer class & LevelEditor

An idea and very little experience, this is the first project I've ever decided to undertake. You see I am a Let's Player and I've always wondered "what would developing my own game be like?" So here I am, asking for help cuz I am under experienced.

You better start now so you might have something in 10 years.

S T O P C R I M E !

Visual Pro 2005 C++ DX9 Cubase VST 3.70 Working on : LevelContainer class & LevelEditor

I need some help here I'm working with Unity and I get the basics but programming, and modeling are my short comings. When it comes to modeling I am using Blender. Unfortunately I have no money to offer as this is a low (and I mean LOOOOOW) budget indie project.

So this is a recruiting post. I'm locking it. Matthew, please use the Classifieds for your recruiting efforts.

-- Tom Sloper --

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