Good morning,
I have been searching the internet and this is the best place I have found to post this question, I have been looking for a community of passionate gamers who also have some technical and programming skills.
I had recently discovered WARSOW and have some friends that I like to play with, but I realized there is no easy way to tell my friends when I am playing it, or even set up a time to play it together other than messaging, or on some sort of social media. That got me thinking...
What if there was an app that you could set a status of what game you are playing, you have "friends" who can see what you are playing and join in. Then if you could tie in PSN, Live and Steam accounts that would automatically update your status. Even further yet you could send out a "message" to your friends and propose a game and a time. You would select the game, it would populate the details of the game, even list links to purchase the title if your friends dont have it. They could then easily tap a time when they are available.
Seems like something people would enjoy using. You could have iOS, Android, Win8/Universal app for the service.
So those are my thoughts, any input is appreciated.