
what 3d engine?

Started by January 15, 2000 07:11 PM
1 comment, last by Stryder 25 years, 1 month ago
I am really new to all this stuff i am learning to program using C++ Builder 3 standard and i would like to make my own game(or at least try). I would like to start with a small FPS type game. I have seen Genesis3d and looked at the demo and was really amazed at the quality, however it is really complex and i was wondering if anyone knows of a simple engine that i could use for my first programming project?
does genesis3d come with sample source code to show how to use the engine?
Genesis3d comes with two games/demos called gdemo and gtest. Both come precompiled and also contain source code. As a matter of fact you have access to the whole engine source code as well, but that is a little harder to read when you don''t know 3d math or enough c/c++. GTest is also a little hard to read and understand. I think Gdemo is easier to study. On the genesis website is a forum and I would encourage anyone to search for the keyword "wrappers" or "projectx" or "projectz". These make coding easier by having done the setup for you. It''s not hard to code with the api, but docs could be better If you have done any 3d programming in DX or OpenGL then the structure of setting it up is almost the same as for D3d. You first enumerate the available drivers then the video mode you want to work in then setup/create the camera add it to your world(bsp file from the editor) then setup the render loop and you''re almost done. Simple, if you have programmed in d3d or direct draw. Good luck!


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