I have a few game related ideas I'm pursuing atm. Still at conceptual level for all of them though.
So what would be the complexity of programming a game like "Threes" and "868-Hack" If you//anyone played these and can estimate ?
Edit: Also back to OP, Can you recommend A good tutorial starting point? I'm on a Mac so I can't use Visual Studio tuts.
a good tutorial on the basics of unity especially the new 2d stuff is
as protectedmode mentioned you need to know some programming in either c# or unityscript(unity derivitive of javascript). the tutorial i linked is done in c#. I would suggest you try to learn the basics of c# programming, MS has tutorials on their site as does rbwhitaker(
protected mode also mentioned playmaker. its a good extention of unity that allows you to script logic for objects visually without any/much programming. It can be bought from the Unity asset store. I have used it myself a little. I liked it, but I am more interested in coding for myself. here is the playmaker homepage that has tutorials and a forum there so you can see what it is like: