

Started by January 15, 2000 05:22 PM
0 comments, last by Esap1 25 years, 1 month ago
Im using DX7, and I was wondering how to use SetColorKey, the reason why I need to use it is because I dont want it to draw the black pixels on the textures. I was thinking I could do this with SetColorKey. Example would Help Thanks
If I understand correctly this is what you want:

void SetColourKey(LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE* surface, DWORD colour)
DDCOLORKEY colourKey; //Struct for colour keying

//Set the colour you want as transparent
colourKey.dwColorSpaceLowValue = colour;
colourKey.dwColorSpaceHighValue = colour;

surface->SetColorKey(DDCKEY_SRCBLT, &colourKey);
//Should check the return from here

This function will make sure that any pixels of that colour are not blitted from that surface. So for black you would set colour = 0.

Look in the DX help for "SetColorKey()" for return values and other flags.


Edited by - acraig on 1/15/00 6:22:44 PM

Edited by - acraig on 1/15/00 6:24:42 PM

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