Im doing a lockstep-based RTS which steps every 50ms (20Hz). I might have to go up to 100ms steps (10Hz). In my lockstep-update i do everything including moving/rotating units and projectiles. As you may suspect this looks rather choppy.
So i plan to add a in-between (between locksteps) update and run it every 20 ms (or whatever) and update positions etc to make it look more fluid. Is this a good idea? Should this update only change variables that are strictly for drawing purposes such as:
pos // unit real pos used for collision and all simulation important stuff, updated in lockstep
pos2 // used only for drawing, is updated in-between locksteps
unit speed is 4 pixels/lockstep but i run the in-between update which moves it 1 pixels per update, and pos2 resets each "real lockstep" to ensure no desync between players.
Or do i dare run a complete update some set number of times between each "lockstep update" (the only update where player commands are processed)?