
What's in a language that makes you like it

Started by February 14, 2014 06:00 AM
63 comments, last by cr88192 10 years, 11 months ago

What do you like about that language you use?
Do you prefer verbose over terse languages or vice versa?
After checking hello world programs in more than 50 programming languages, it makes me wonder why a person will make a language more complex than machine code.
There's the overly unreasonably terse malboge which in order to write helloworld involves no letter or number but a combination of unrelated symbols. There is also the overly verbose supernova which involves english language and nothing else.
There are also some things in some languages that look absolutely wrong. In php, you have to put '?' to print out something and somethings in c++.
There are also languages i believe should be fined/banned, e.g. brainfuck. It is easier to use assembly than malboge.
So what do you like about your programming language and makes it different.
Thanks for reading and replying

Total LOC: ~3M Lines
Total Languages: ~32

I can do ALL things through Christ - Jesus Christ
Logic will get you from A-Z, imagination gets you everywhere - Albert Einstein
The problems of the world cannot be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. - John F. Kennedy

I have used many, though I haven't heard of some of those you mention.

I generally view languages in terms of how they rate on four scales (in increasing order of importance):

1) Ease of use (I love ASM, so I don't mean that... I mean things like clarity, type safety, readability, OOP, organization ability, etc.)

2) Tools support (I hate languages without killer tools to develop in)

3) Performance (who wants to write good code that performs badly? Depending upon the project, this can #1)

4) Platform support (if I need to support multiple platforms, I'd like to get that nearly free)

I enjoy programming in C++ the best, with occasional inline ASM blocks where I need the best performance. But, for most of the work I do lately platform support is far more important than performance, so I choose Java: similar organization capability and readability, vastly superior platform support, approximately equal tool quality.

I like to get the job done, as quickly as possible, and end up with something I'm proud of. This can be done in just about any language, depending upon the requirements.


Do you know Malbolge is named after the 8th circle of hell? To criticize it for being hell to program with is criticizing it for living up to its name.

Do you know Malbolge is named after the 8th circle of hell? To criticize it for being hell to program with is criticizing it for living up to its name.

that explains and is really weird

Total LOC: ~3M Lines
Total Languages: ~32

I can do ALL things through Christ - Jesus Christ
Logic will get you from A-Z, imagination gets you everywhere - Albert Einstein
The problems of the world cannot be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the obvious realities. - John F. Kennedy

Do you know Malbolge is named after the 8th circle of hell? To criticize it for being hell to program with is criticizing it for living up to its name.

that explains and is really weird

Google esoteric languages , there are tons of them, most of them are created as a joke or simply to test how far you can take language design and still get a "usable" result

, They are not intended to be used for real work.

Most serious programming languages have atleast some advantage.

Also, you don't have to put a '?' to print out anything in php ?

echo 'Hello World';

is all you need in php.

The <?php <% <? or <?=(shorthand echo) tags are used to tell the preprocessor where the php block starts, Since php code is frequently inserted in HTML documents it has to be contained in a tag(as anything else could cause a conflict with HTML text content) and starting that tag with a special character (i.e '?' or '%') avoids conflicts with future html tags.

[size="1"]I don't suffer from insanity, I'm enjoying every minute of it.
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!

Do you know Malbolge is named after the 8th circle of hell? To criticize it for being hell to program with is criticizing it for living up to its name.

that explains and is really weird

It's an esoteric language. That's kind of the point. Here is a little detail from the creator.

As far as what I want from a language, I'm not very picky. I want it to be straightforward where if it looks like it is doing A, it is actually doing A. All commonly used languages seem to pass this requirement. I also don't want a restrictive language. Prolog fails in this regard, so you wind up doing half your work in a different language. It wouldn't have been as bad if the switching wasn't on an almost daily basis. Then it would be more like inline ASM code, which I don't mind at all.


For the paid job I want a language which is productive: it must drive me to the point quickly. C#.

For my own projects I want a language which is beauty on the page, elegant, with a nice syntax. Obviously, these are all very subjective points, and in effect I choose C++, which is ugly and terrible for the most.

For me, there's no elegance in $variable things, or [object pleaseDo:something andThen:somethingElse using:allThat]. I lose myself when there are no brackets too, like in those languages indent-based.

Plain C is beatifull too.

I use which ever language gets the job done. At the moment that tends to be Objective C, C++, Java and Javascript with a small amount of Ruby or Shellscript. All of these I would say are Ugly and rather inelegant languages but the thing I like about them is they get the job done.

If I could choose a favorite language though it would have to be commom lisp.

for me language is the playground, i like the language to do thiings in the playground in many free not constrained ways and this is c [though i dislike its ugly syntax for passing values in and out from functions using & and * its burdensome for me]

What do you like about that language you use?
Do you prefer verbose over terse languages or vice versa?
After checking hello world programs in more than 50 programming languages, it makes me wonder why a person will make a language more complex than machine code.
There's the overly unreasonably terse malboge which in order to write helloworld involves no letter or number but a combination of unrelated symbols. There is also the overly verbose supernova which involves english language and nothing else.
There are also some things in some languages that look absolutely wrong. In php, you have to put '?' to print out something and somethings in c++.
There are also languages i believe should be fined/banned, e.g. brainfuck. It is easier to use assembly than malboge.
So what do you like about your programming language and makes it different.
Thanks for reading and replying

- It doesn't force me on a programming paradigm or a programming style, it doesn't put limitations on debugging (especially on virtual memory), it allow to combine with other language in some ways, it doesn't put strong limitation on system environment (ie: no proprietary hardware or operating system)..

- I am the personification of verbosity (and the Antichrist of prefixes and Hungarian, and that's a little funny since there are mostly used in my favourite languages).

- "Hello, world!" programs alone aren't suffice to choose, like or dislike a language but sometimes they are enough to discard a language if I see something I really dislike (as example: I really dislike "off-side rule" and really hate case insensitive programming languages).

- I think in every language there is "something wrong", sometimes due historical reasons, sometimes due companies/corporations will, sometimes due the stupidity of standardization consortium rules..

- Most of "very wrong/bad" programming languages die "quickly", unfortunately that's not always true (COBOL should be extirpate for the universe and it's books and documentations burned in hell's flames).

"Recursion is the first step towards madness." - "Skegg?ld, Skálm?ld, Skildir ro Klofnir!"
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