Below is a part of a series of texts that make up a large portion of the canon in my world. The text I've provided is to be used as more of a historical depiction, and less of that of a tome that you may find while traveling the world. Strictly speaking, this would be defined as a history book of sorts for the entire universe(or rather segregated multi-verse as Tyne is).
Below are some definitions and key terms to help reading the text more understandable, these definitions are, however, not part of the actual text:
Tyne - The world in which my story is based. Tyne is a segregated multi-verse that consists of multiple, linear strands of time.
Elmari - A god-like race of biped humanoids that lives within the Genesis Strand [of time]. The Elmari are not immortal, but play major parts in the shaping of Tyne as a whole.
Emon - The Elmari of Time, Judge of the Elmari Estate, and Creator of Mathematics.
Marius Glek - The Elmari of Epochs and Record Keeping, Master of Tomes. Founder of the philosophical research haven known as House Glek.
Teagus Aton - A famous writer, historian, and master of linguistics.
Now onto the actual text:
Transliteration - Insert by Teagus Aton
This text has been transliterated by myself, Teagus Aton, from the original works and descriptions recorded by Marius Glek and the scribes and scholars of House Glek. Firstly written in Mari cuneiform as a direct account of Emon's views of the events transpiring prior to recorded Time.
As being imparted with the task of absolute record-keeping by Vita, it has been House Glek's due diligence to provide an accurate as possible time-lapse of the events that transpired prior to Time, as accounted by Emon himself. This series of texts directly accomplishes this goal by piecing together interviews that House Glek has conducted with Emon over the past forty-three millennia.
Quoted text from these interviews as stated by Emon have been penned in highlighted red, while conjectures and theories scribed by House Glek have been penned in highlighted blue. All other text, as denoted by highlighted white, should be found as items native to the series of text itself.
While House Glek has worked tirelessly to provide evidence supported by fact in this account of Tyne, please be advised that without assumption too many missing pieces of explanation would be laid aside in a fashion in which this text would not make relative sense. In knowing this, House Glek has taken the advantage of making assumption of events when necessary to piece together major happenings in Tyne before Time. These assumptions have been outlined as Elmari theory, and have been sent for draft by Marius Glek himself to receive approval by all Elmari prior to the finished work of this draft being published.
It is with great honour that House Glek presents the first draft of these findings outlined in Tyne Before Time to the Elmari state. Further revisions to this text may appear in the future. However, the scribes and scholars of House Glek are certain that this detailed account be true based on the knowledge that has been provided at the time and date of this writing.
-Principle High Scholar Anu, House Glek, 1E44M
Emon & Vita
Prior to the thought of the Elmari, and establishment of House Glek - Before formation of the first celestial body or strand of Time - there existed only two entities, that of Emon and Vita.
While an exhausting amount of research, by House Glek, has been poured into the discovery of those precious, beginning moments of Tyne - it is with great regret that no supporting evidence has been found to make concrete the generally-accepted theory that Vita predates all. Based around the nature of evidence that has been collected by House Glek over the past forty-three millennia, it's quite possible that this theory may never be proven.
In the words of Emon himself:
"While my remembrance of early pre-time is opaque, it is with certain memory that Vita had made an appearance as early as I can recall. As I sat in darkness, with only the vast nothingness surrounding me, I performed the task that was given unto me with perfect obedience - never swaying in either thought or errand - always counting…always counting.
It had never occurred to me as to why I was counting, something inside me tore at my inner conscious, though, reminding me that it was of utmost importance that I never halted this elementary form of arithmetic. I now understand that this was Vita guiding me, thankfully, as little did I suspect of what the consequences would be if I ever were to stop counting.
Based on these events, it is of my opinion that Vita has always been. Sleepless nights have vested with the thoughts of how Vita and myself came to be, though it is of my best opinion that Vita begat myself, and that being of a particular reason. While I had not known of it at the time, that reason would lead to the transcendent performance of beginning Time within Tyne."
To understand Vita, we must correctly define who or what Vita actually is. Many nights have been toiled away with how exactly to describe Vita, however the general consensus, after speaks with Emon and the whole of Elmari, rests with this definition:
"Vita is the disconnected embodiment and personification of all dark matter, and it's expended counterpart - dark energy - acting as the mortar, clay, and cornerstone of Tyne."
It Is with great importance that distinction is made when understanding that dark matter is not Vita, but Vita is dark matter. When flora sprouts from the forest floor with the beginnings of only a small seed - this is Vita. When fauna cohabitate in what was once lifeless seas, this is Vita. When chaos comes to control, or control disevolves to chaos - this is Vita. The flora and fauna, chaos and control, and anything above or below, in-between or to the side - all starts with the building materials of our world. The Elmari State's own sigil may hold words that best describe this explanation:
"May dark matter be the stone, and Vita our stonemason."
- Elmari State Official Seal, Motto
Vita speaks to us all, both through small actions in the world around us - to the largest events that we've known to-date. However, we cannot share this same extraordinary conversation. Our own experiments to communicate with Vita have fallen on deaf ears, and so it is to be known that Vita's presence remains at the forefront of Tyne, and that presently, only our actions may sway her merciful judgment on us all.