Here are some things that work for me:
I think the first one might be the most original advice and might sound silly, but I STRONGLY recommend you giving it a try.
Watch Collateral. Any time, I need an initial fire lit under my ass to do something, I take some time to watch the movie Collateral. The underlying message in this movie is follow your dream or it won't happen.
Put it in your schedule. Many people are creatures of habit. If you dedicate particular time slots to learning, your brain is more likely to be on board when it's time to learn. I recommend against Friday night. You've already worked a long week and want to relax some. Here's my schedule:
Monday Night: Just a little
Wednesday Night: Just a little
Saturday: Sometimes alot, sometimes a little
Sunday: Just a little
"Learning" could mean programming practice, reading some game dev articles, or reading programming books. If you can get away with it at work, I recommend using a little bit of work time to read some game dev stuff. It's better than updating your facebook status at least. And if you're using some "work" time, it's like it's "free". :)
I do recommend actual programming at least once a week.
But keep a little fun in your schedule. All work and no play makes Creamy a dull boy. If all you're doing is working, learning, and programming, you'll burn yourself out. Make sure you have some time in your week to enjoy some of your free time.
Leave yourself a little task to come back to. If you can leave a simple task for yourself to start the next day with, it's easier to start the next day. If all you have is a MASSIVE TASK like a complete refactor of all your game logic, it's easy to skip a day to avoid that big task. But if you have a baby task to start with, you can start your day by knocking that out and hopefully keep going.
Keep a Notes.txt file in your project. I usually have a file in my project to keep up with general notes. A checklist of todo items, reminders of some design decisions, some features. And instead of deleting items you've accomplished, put an X in front of them to check them off. If you just delete them, you won't get the same sense of accomplishment if you see a completed list laying around. Every once in a while though, clean up your checklist or start a new section. You don't want yourself getting lazy by keeping that sense of satisfaction for a list you completed weeks ago.
After you get the basics down, focus on something fun. Once you know some basics of how to use variables, branching, loops, methods, and classes, start hitting game tutorials. Find a framework that works for you. I find VisualStudio Express, C#, and XNA pretty easy to mess with. Instead of printing your name on the screen ten times in a random position with a console app, put ten asteroids up on the screen. Getting something you can move around on the screen is much more motivating, because its easier for us to see the value of that.
Also, don't get bogged down in the details. Sure you might need a control library for buttons or text boxes, or some logging system. For all but the simplest framework items, I recommend using a free library. This way you can concentrate on the fun stuff.
Tell some people about it. If you can have a small supportive audience you'll feel obligated to keep at it so you don't disappoint them. Kids or significant others are great for this. They might even have small feature ideas you can do. (Or huge features you can't do).
Get a programming buddy. Having a "work-out" partner is good. When one of you has a moment of weakness, the other will usually step up to encourage the partner.
Keep your goals small and reasonable. Get my ship moving on the screen (reasonable goal). Code a networking framework to support an MMO server architecture (unreasonable goal). Split up those big tasks into smaller bite-sized chunks.
Anyway, this is how I keep motivated for learning/game developing. I only REALLY started being serious about it for the past three months. So far, I'm making some steady progress and chipping away at my game slow and steady.
Hopefully, some of these tips will work for you.
Good luck! :)
- Eck
P.S. Since I recommended Collateral, I also have to recommend the TV Series Firefly. Not because it motivates you but because I'm a huge Firefly fan. :D