I'm looking to start a simple web browser based MUD genre game. I have a highly rudimentary knowledge of coding, however I have never worked on anything for browsers. I was hoping some more knowledgeable members could assist in pointing me in the right direction for any reading materials I should be looking for. Something to give me a foundation on which to start from would be a huge boon. Thank you in advance and thank you for your time.
A little assistance being pointed in the right direction for browser based games
Programming for the web is similar enough to programming stand-alone applications, with a few twists.
As with anything you're going to want to pick a language, get the fundamentals down and then start with a few *small* projects to get your feet wet.
I'm not much of a web-developer, but html5 would be my choice for a beginner:
step 1)
step 2)
step 3)
step 4)
step 5)
Try HTML5 + JavaScript + WebGL
HTML5 as your container (the canvas element in particular), JavaScript as a language, WebGL as an API.
I have been working with this combination for a little while (link for it below). The example below looks 2D but it's technically 3D...just no depth to it right now. You are welcome to look at/tear it apart. It is a proof of concept for drawing quads, manipulating geometry on interval, texture handling, rendering on interval and picking...
It is kind of a bastard of ideas from these sources...