
Complete Motion Capture Data

Started by February 07, 2014 10:47 PM
-1 comments, last by Registred 10 years, 11 months ago


I'm looking for a complete animation set of some common animations (walk, run, jump, and some other often used animations...).

I know there's a set of free mocap data on the web, but the problem is that they come as single animations (one for walk, one for run, etc..) and they need some post-editing. I tried using them, but it consumes a LOT of time editing them (which I do not have since I'm pretty busy with my programming work) and the result is far from good (I'm not a graphic artist, I can do some basic things with Blender, but that's it). + When downloading several animations from the web they come as different rigid body each, which makes combining them (as a non-graphic-artist) even harder.

What I'm looking for is a single piece of mocap data which I just have to load up in Blender and rig to a 3d model. Are there any ressources at student-price level? I just can't believe that there is no useable ready-to-go mocap data on the web priced under < 50$ (or am I just to stupid to search?).

Thanks already in advance,


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