having problem with my hidden object game using unity2d in scripting..
Designing, destroying objects, scoring and how to end the game..
having problem with my hidden object game using unity2d in scripting..
Designing, destroying objects, scoring and how to end the game..
cool story bro...
Maybe if you described what problem you are having or posted some code we would be able to help?
You'll have to give more details if you want anyone to help you.
Hello to all my stalkers.
I have here a package of a HOG from this site http://blogs.unity3d.com/2013/05/17/a-good-workflow-to-smoothly-import-2d-content-into-unity-part-i-authoring-and-exporting/ that I downloaded I try it but I dont know how to give a score, timer and ending..
The problem here is that your questions are far too vague to be answered. What you're asking is the equivalent of going to a writing site and saying "I want to write a novel, how should I write chapters 1, 6, 17 and the last one?"
I may be assuming too much, but it sounds like you don't have much, if any, experience in unity or programming in general. This means you are going to have to start with the basics rather than a full game. Find yourself a good set of tutorials and follow them until you understand how unity works. Once you have that understanding, you'll be able to get started on the things you want done now. And even if you still have problems, you'll be able to show us what you have and someone can help you from there.
I have here a package of a HOG from this site http://blogs.unity3d.com/2013/05/17/a-good-workflow-to-smoothly-import-2d-content-into-unity-part-i-authoring-and-exporting/ that I downloaded I try it but I dont know how to give a score, timer and ending..
Sean Middleditch – Game Systems Engineer – Join my team!
Echoing what the others said, it sounds like you might want to consider looking at some tutorials for Unity.
Unity's own tutorials can be found here: http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules
Hello to all my stalkers.