I don't mock anyone, much less people I personally believe to be a fictitious character, so please don't assign any malice towards it. If I were to have written my story replacing the name Jesus with the name Carl, it seems reasonable that we could all agree with the things I was saying about Carl, regardless of whether or not Carl is now, or ever was, a real person.
Then I could have made the big reveal at the end that your Jesus was just like my Carl, and herp-derp aren't I a clever monkey. The reason I don't do that is because its less direct, attempts to sidestep what might be my personal biases, prevent you from exercising yours (which is your right), and overall just seems like the less-honest way to share this experience I had. This is something that actually happened, I think I still have the pamphlet, and these are my actual thoughts that I've had on it. Its a kind of allegory, just like in the Bible or other religious texts, Shakespeare, Walt Disney Movies, fairy tales, and nursery rhymes.
Furthermore, you don't actually know what I do or don't do that might meet your arbitrary bar for positive, above-average 'goodness', though I have no problem stating plainly that I certainly don't do all the good things that Jesus is written to have done. I certainly haven't healed any lepers or restored anyone's sight. But doctors and scientists have. So, are they good? They're certainly doing good, and there's probably a better than average chance that they're good on the whole, but I bet they're not irreproachably good either. Then, of course your whole comparison between myself and Jesus (thanks, by the way, its the first time anyone has made the comparison because I can't grow full beard to save my life) stands on at least three articles of faith -- Firstly that Jesus was a real being, secondly that he was the son of God and therefore able to work miracles and live beyond sin, and third that the Bible is a true account, unbiased and unfailingly translated through centuries and languages.
If all of those things hold true, then yes, Jesus is objectively a better man than I. And if you merely accept that those things are true--that is, they are true to you--then I accept that you believe that Jesus is a better man than I, and that's the objective truth for you, but a subjective one to me.