Hello, firstly im happy to find a place where to use the last chance to remake this really good and successful game. This game was called myvirtualflights.com few years ago this game started and shortly was grown as the worlds most popular virtual traveling game, but due to overcrowded server, because of huge success, the server broke down, and after repairing it, a lot of players forgot about the game and didn't returned and the second reason why the game disappeared was because the admins had not enough time for it, so they decided to leave this game and when the server usage contract expired, the website disappeared.
In short about the game - the game was all about virtual travelling - booking virtual flight tickets with virtual airlines, flying to real airports around the world, collecting miles, making new virtual travelling friends and so on - the goal was to visit the most airports possible using as much airlines as possible to become the Lord of the Skies every month which gave to the player a lot of extra miles, cash and prestige. It was very successful because it was a way how to travel the world virtually for free, as in real life its very expensive. Some player are going really addicted to this game, buying some extra virtual cash with real money - so it can be a good way to start a small business with this game.
Of course there was a lot of other features in this game as daily challenges and so on, but about them later if there is some interest to remake this game.
So basically this was a text based browser game with some graphics - images, videos and so on.
If there is some programmer who is interested to remake this game - im ready to fully rewrite this game and to create the database for the game, as i played and really enjoyed it.
Looking forward to hear some interest to remake this game.
Thank you and have a nice day!