
My game Idea! :o

Started by January 17, 2014 10:14 PM
0 comments, last by sunandshadow 11 years, 1 month ago
So, this is just a random forum post to see if anyone will help develope a game! I have absolutely no coding experience,
BUT I have awesome ideas, because this is the kind of game I would want to play all the time and I think other people
would enjoy as well. SO that being said.. everyone will be payed a fixed amount after the game is developed and the
game starts raking in money (hopefully). Keep in mind all the info below is in developement, so feel free to make
suggestions! Spots needed to be filled: Developers, coders and texturers, We'll also need staff to moderate the game
if and once this game is developed. So, if you're interested please email me at: "". If you want
to help develope this game you MUST have skype or some other IM/Voice chat program so we can communicate. WHEN you email me please put the subject as the position you're applying for and the contents of the email containing your skype info
or whatever messanger you may use as well as your age. (If there are positions that are required that I don't know about
then just apply with that job title or reply to this post)
(If you have no idea what the games below I refer to about please look up gameplay)
Same art style as mabinogi (Has a sort of japanese anime art style)
Has enhanced armaments such as a dodge armament that is based
on jets to dodge left/right/back for example.
Combat arena game.. like mortal combat (Except 3d ring) and
abilities like dragons nest. (Runs on battle points as
Has Matchmaking to match you with equal opponents OR you
can browse a list and challenge people
Gamemodes: Tag team (2v2), CTF (3 person teams), Duel (1v1),
Battle royale (5v5), Point Royale Party (Free for all)
Rules to gamemodes:
Tag team: 5 minute games/20bp win/5bp loss/no respawns
CTF: 10 minute games/30bp win/10bp loss/Respawn delay 30 secs
Duel: 3 minute games/10bp win/0bp loss/no respawns
Battleroyale: 15 minute games/50bp win/15bp loss/respawn delay 20 secs
Point Royale Party: 30 minute games/1bp per kill/-1bp for death/No respawn delay
Armament limit is 1 armament per 5 levels AND you can buy armament slots for IRL cash (you start with 1 armament slot)
30 day armament slot = $5
Perm armament slot = $10
Max level cap = 10
Your first character creation you can choose the color of, but every other character on that account
is completely random AND 7 day wait to create/delete characters
Armament catagories:
Skill Enhancement
Melee weapons
Ranged weapons
Level 1 armaments cost 1500bp and from then on upgrades cost 500/1000/1500/2000/2500/3000/3500/4000/5000/5500
Lv 10 is max level for armaments
Rules regarding armaments: If you have a melee armament you CANNOT have a ranged one, and vice versa.
You can only have one of any certain armament (Ex. you cannot have 2 melee weapons or 2 skill enhancements equipped
at the same time)
Bp cost for level-ups
1-2 = 250bp
2-3 = 500bp
3-4 = 1000bp
5-6 = 2000bp
6-7 = 2500bp
7-8 = 3000bp
8-9 = 3500bp
9-10 = Kill 10 different level 9 players AND 10k bp.
Colors according to attribute:
Blue = Close combat
Purple = Multi-Combat
Red = Long range combat
Yellow = De-Buffs and buffs
Green = Defence
White = Balance between all
Black = Speed
Every time you level-up your color attribute gets upgraded. White gets 1.5% per level until lv10 (Gets 25% boost in all)
Lv2 bonus = 2%
Lv3 bonus = 4%
Lv4 bonus = 6%
Lv5 bonus = 8%
Lv6 bonus = 10%
Lv7 bonus = 12%
Lv8 bonus = 14%
Lv9 bonus = 18%
Lv10 bonus = 20%
Armaments according to color:
Blue: Sword or Knuckles
Purple: Short Bow or Handgun
Red: Rifle or Longbow
Yellow: Dagger or Wand
Green: Roundshield or Kiteshield
White: Any of the above (not blacks weapons)
Black: Dual Swords or Chakrams
Ultimate abilities (percentages are of your base damage):
Blue: Rapidly punches/slashes 10 times for 75% damage each punch/slash
Purple: Shortbow does a focused shot for 300% damage. Handgun rapidly empties 7 bullets for 50% damage each bullet
Red: Rifle Locks on and does a laser shot for 300% damage Longbow volleys an area of arrows, each arrow does 20% damage
Yellow: Wand shoots a Magic homing missile for 250% damage and Dagger backstabs for 300% damage
Green: Roundshield is -10% all damage for 1 minute and speed increase of 5% and kiteshield -25% of all damage
White: Uses abilities according to the colors, but also gets a 10% speedboost
Black: Dual swords slow down other player by 25% for 10 seconds and chakrams do a moving tornado for 25% damage each hit
I was also thinking of just making an interactive cutscene for each of the people involved in the special move and it
would consist of quick time events for both people, and the more the person using the ability gets right the more times
they hit, and the more times the defender gets it right, the more hits are blocked.
To make it clear, any color can use any armament but do not gain the color bonus.

If you want to recruit people, you have to make a classified ad in the hobbyist section instead. At the top of this page is a blue button bar, it should say classifieds on the right end, click there.

I want to help design a "sandpark" MMO. Optional interactive story with quests and deeply characterized NPCs, plus sandbox elements like player-craftable housing and lots of other crafting. If you are starting a design of this type, please PM me. I also love pet-breeding games.

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