I've been looking at building such a piece of software but it is just in the pre-design stage and I have no idea when I will actually have time to work on it. Everyone seems to want a tool like this but a good one doesn't seem to exist. Until one does come along I'm afraid there isn't a great solution.
I've tried flash cards, excel, word documents, wiki type solutions, primitive ui's. The best I can suggest is that you use a parseable text document. Come up with a simple text based encoding scheme that allows you to quickly write scenes in that can also be used by a parser in your game engine to render those scenes.
For example:
C3:The Hunter
The rain fell steadily along the cold city streets. [[Cat]] ran as fast as her legs could carry her into the darkness of the nearest alley.
--She was alone and scared.--2.1
--[[Jackal]] was just behind her urging her forward. --3.1
--No matter how fast she ran or how far she could never out run [[the hunter]].--4.1
The alley reeked of human waste and filth. Why did they ruin everything around them? Why did they hate her kind so much? She was so tired of being alone.
--[item:pendant] Her mothers pendant shone with a strange light. One [[Cat]] had never seen before. It seemed to be guiding her towards a barren patch of wall. -- 2.1.1
--A nearby door had been left a jar, perhaps at last she might find somewhere dry and warm to spend the night. -- 2.1.2
--It was too risky she had to push on maybe the rain would stop eventually. -- 2.1.3