Ok, so one day I had a brainwave, a super in depth Retail Management game, more specifically Clothes Shop Manager.
I was tired of seeing all these little facebook games which let you run a shop or cafe, but focus only on making your shop look pretty and selling to customers. Surely a shop simulation game should have things such as security, shoplifters, shop watch meetings, trading standards, returns etc...
I've worked in shops for around 3 years, and in a clothes shop for over 2 years, so I thought, why not give it a go.
Now, the game itself is made in VB6, not the best base for a game, but I prefer 2d/text based simulation games, so I feel it's more than adequate to achieve what I want.
I'm looking for peoples comments on what I have so far and the overall idea for my game. Suggestions are more than welsome too.
Graphics aren't yet final, and the game is still very early in production but here's what I have so far.