on your so called "Strafe v2.0", it has been done already. Back in 1990 in Smash TV (a very violent game) by midway. The arcade unit had two joysticks, one for controlling yoru movement direction and one for controlling your shooting direction. Let me tell you that game was a blast even though the difficulty was out the window. In the nes conversion they allowed using two controllers to simulate the arcade settup. However i think most ppl used the one controller setup in which one button woudl lock your shooting to the direction at which you were facing when you pressed the button ill you let go, and the other button simply shot in the direction you were facing.
Heck i think zombie ate my neighbors (snes) may have also used this, though not sure about that. Loaded (psx/saturn) and Reloaded (psx/saturn?) definatly used this, but since it was for psx it had the 4 buttons for shooting and the pad for movement. (used the top buttons for extra stuff)
Also this type of freedom was included in basically all the mech games (for pc and psx), where you had indepent controls of the moving the mech, and rotating the torso. (now you finnally know why they made that monstorous dual analog joystick for psx back before the dual shock was created). I think there may have been other games that took avantage of the dual shck controller when it was released in this type of method as well. not sure baout that though.
Just realize one thing, the main reason many games dont include this method is due to the high difficulty in adjusting to it. As well as the increase in the number of buttons required for control. For instance, since this i presume is a pc game and will be a keyboard/mouse combo type game, you will have to decide on whether to use the mouse for rotating the players movemnets or for controlling only body movement. I suggest adding this feature as an option (since it really is not a required thing unless you are getting attacked from multiple angles by hordes of enemies like in smash tv and loaded/reloaded) since it really can take awhile to get used to.
also multiplayer while nice, may be better suited for co-op instead of using replacing the ai enemies. Dugeon explorer (tg16) did multiplayer action/adventure well.
Also action/adventure games by defination will have some level of violence. This is do to the fact that many solving dugeons alone is quite boring.
I also agree about the smashing of objects. dont include it unless it really helps with the gameplay (face it that is quite violent unto itself) mainly because most players hate having to destroy every pot/mow all the lawns/pick up every rock just so they dont miss some special item. Of ocurse you could stipulate in the game story/manual that you only find low common items like the world''s currency/extra life energy/other stuff not too needed. Maybe even include a special randomizer that increases the likness of finding energy when the player is on that 1hp left facing hordes (see how nicly many enemies increase tension).
also not to be a stickler or anything (ok maybe a little

, but if you mention a game like zelda: orcania of time. Please call it like that instead of just zelda and then refer to the the legend of zelda as original zelda/old zelda/regular zelda. Also dont call n64 nintendo, since nintendo either refers to the company or nes (ninetendo entertainment system). too many younger game players are calling n64 nintendo and nes as regualr nintendo. It truly is crazy and confusing. Too many people also mislabel zelda/zelda orcania of time/zelda majora''s mask.
- groof