Ok, so "top-down" is a bad way to say it - I didn''t mean straight-down or vertical. There are side-scrollers that are from a lateral perspective, there are vertical, top-down games too. I want something in between. I''m sure some of you have played "the Sims" right? That kind of perspective - at an angle - so that you can place an item behind a wall or a rock or something, where you can''t see it unless you''re looking from the right angle.
Violent Content:
This topic was presented to me by a friend of mine that isn''t a gamer. I was playing Half-Life or Counter Strike (who knows which) when she came in and asked me why the game had to be so violent. I''d never really thought about it before. Why DO games have to be violent? Is it because of our violent nature? Is it healthy? So I decided to try and come up with a way to eliminate the killing without compromising entertainment or challenge.
So, there are all types of games, right? Puzzlers, shooters, questers, twitchers, spookers, whatever. In an action game, the goal is usually to shoot a bunch of bad guys in order to get past them and to somewhere with more bad guys to shoot. That''s part of the fun of the game. But there must be something else that can take the place of killing in a game without removing the challenge.
Take TV. The A-Team was a great show. It was violent, but there wasn''t and blood-splattering, gut-wrenching gore. Take it a step further and you get MacGyver where all the problems in the world can be solved by using duct tape and a swiss army knife.
The point is, I want to remove the killing without removing the action. Maybe the hero will have a stun-gun (I''m sure many of you have played Commander Keen) or maybe he''ll set traps to catch enemies. I''m not sure what I want yet. That''s why I''m posting - for feedback.
Multiplayer VS AI Programming:
So, you know how when you write a three-point essay and you''re really scrambling because you only have two points - two great points, but only two points - and your paper is three pages short of the minimum and it''s already double-spaced in 16-point with huge margins and you only have an hour left to write the rest and hand it in? Well, I''ve been in school too long. I didn''t really think about the AI thing at all. As pointed out by LyLFox, "artificial intelligence describes what you (the human) would do under the given condition(s). So programming AI would be just that - telling your program what to do when certain events happen." I''ll put some more thought into it.
The Storyline:
Honestly, I don''t have one yet. I''m not much of a writer. I''m more interested in designing the game-play.
This is where things get interesting. I have a lot of ideas, but I know if I use them all in one game then it will be too hard to play. Most of these ideas came to me while playing other games and thinking "wouldn''t it be cool if I could
Strafing V2.0: Let me begin by saying that the man who invented strafing was a genious. But from a third-person perspective, it only gets better! While strafing left or right in Half-Life or Doom, you can fire straight ahead. But what if you could fire in any direction that''s in front of you - 180 degrees? So you could be facing North and firing anywhere north of the East-West axis and moving forwards, backwards or sideways.
Tackling: I think this is an original idea (at least outside the realm of sports games). Instead of being limited to shooting and dodging your oponents, what if you could tackle them? They''re trying to catch you, right? So why are you running away when you could try to catch them? Super Mario was bigger than those goombas, but they got him every time unless he pounced on ''em.
Fully Thrashable Environment: Remember in Zelda how you could cut the grass and bushes and find things? Well, why not make every reasonably sized object able to be taken, thrown, dropped or destroyed? Granted, it would take an awful lot more memory to have to keep track of all those items, but it would be really fun!
Well, that''s all I have time to write for now. I guess I''m mostly just bouncing ideas off people. I''m probably bouncing around too many ideas at once, but that''s the way I think. If you have an opinion on any of these ideas, feel free to post about it, but you don''t have to post an opinion on anything that you don''t have an opinion on. But you knew that.