Hi All,
I'm an EE, I know computer science by myself, studied c++, game programming since I was 13 years old. I do know too much about Electronics Engineering, Embedded Systems, firmware,..etc.
At the same time I know theory of computer science, you can ask me about algorithms, data structures, I can tell you yes selection sort is a sorting algorithm with complexity O(n2), in 3D game programming, I know about spatial data structures, skeletal animation,..etc. I read too much, but I practised very few. I didn't write too much code. I'm currently 27 years old, tried to apply for qualcomm, google, found problems in applying code on board, I also find problems in solving algorithms on my own...
I'm thinking about doing my msc and PhD, and keep being knowledgable but didn't practice much ? or what should I do ?
are anyone like me too here ?