
Germany: Latest in a Series of Economic Super-Powers?

Started by December 06, 2013 06:34 PM
38 comments, last by _the_phantom_ 11 years, 1 month ago


In Europe, the surge of Germany's domestic growth and foreign trade activity in recent years has overshadowed much of the smaller issues in the European Union. Praises and fears alike are being expressed in public meetings and media coverage of this extension of the German economic miracle. Germany is the number two international exporter in the world behind the number one United States of America. Sitting exactly at the crossroads of Europe, this powerhouse leaves no country there without handling the major effects of German policy.

Meanwhile, countries such as China, India, and Brazil also are in a position to continue their own growth into true super-power economic status in the future.

Is German expertise something to be welcomed in the world or feared?

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by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

Who cares about the USA or Germany? The only dangerous country on this planet is China. Not only because they are the export nation number one, not only because they are by far the biggest environmental sinners, and not only because they have more people (and more military) than any other nation, but also because they have already won the war.

If you wonder "what war?", yeah... exactly. See, they've won, and you didn't even realize. In 40-50 years you'll be gone and forgotten, and your land will be inhabited by Chinese (does not matter much where you live, USA or Europe).


Who cares about the USA or Germany? The only dangerous country on this planet is China. Not only because they are the export nation number one, not only because they are by far the biggest environmental sinners, and not only because they have more people (and more military) than any other nation, but also because they have already won the war.

If you wonder "what war?", yeah... exactly. See, they've won, and you didn't even realize. In 40-50 years you'll be gone and forgotten, and your land will be inhabited by Chinese (does not matter much where you live, USA or Europe).

Could you elaborate about that?

What is there to elaborate? Virtually everything you use in your daily life comes from China, and if it doesn't then it is built with parts from china. That includes clothes you wear and the computer you're using just now. China has massive $$$.

Europe has a total of around 730 million inhabitants. If you assume that 20% of these could serve in military (which is very optimistic) then that would be around 146 million. Assuming these are killed in a war, it would mean most of the young male population will be just "gone", Europe's population would be devastated. If 146 million Chinese died tomorrow, nobody would even notice. They would still have 1.2 billion people, and even with their strict birth controls they'd have replaced their losses in a couple of years.

Now the USA doesn't even have half the population of Europe...

But they need not go to open war. China owns most of the US industry and estate already anyway and is buying out Europe big time. For example, they've bought 70 chateaux in the Bordeaux area during the last 6 months, notably not necessarily the best wines but estates with good housing complexes. I'm mentioning that because it was big news there not long ago. China owns 1% of France's wine growing estate now. This does not sound like a lot, but considering they bought almost all of it within a year or so, it is. Now figure how many of them they'll own if they continue doing that for another 10 years. And that's only the high-profile stuff that you can see.

10 years ago, Chinese people were a "rarity" in a typical EU country. In Germany you rarely saw one at all. Now you'll find some in nearly every other street in every major and not-so-major town. They're massively buying property and bringing people into society. Soon they'll go into politics to influence legislation into whatever direction they desire.

Roughly 90% of toys for babies and children come from China. China has been exporting poisonous and contaminated child toys since at least the 1970s (probably earlier, but it's known since the 1970s that they put in non-neglegible amounts of lead, cadmium, pthalates, azo-colors, toluene, tri, and a dozen other substances that are not only harmful and possibly cancerogenous, but also reduce fertility.

Reducing fertility, what an ingenious idea. Why kill your enemies in war if you can just let your enemies die out "naturally"?

Those that don't die out will be too fat to fight. The ultra-high-glycemic diet will make sure of that. Surely it's a coincidence that China stocks all the healthy rice for themselves and exports the cheap, unhealthy types in masses.

Of course, if this ever happened, this was "accidential", and it isn't happening at all. But

Roughly 90% of toys for babies and children come from China. China has been exporting poisonous and contaminated child toys since at least the 1970s (probably earlier, but it's known since the 1970s that they put in non-neglegible amounts of lead, cadmium, pthalates, azo-colors, toluene, tri, and a dozen other substances that are not only harmful and possibly cancerogenous, but also reduce fertility.
Reducing fertility, what an ingenious idea. Why kill your enemies in war if you can just let your enemies die out "naturally"?

Those that don't die out will be too fat to fight. The ultra-high-glycemic diet will make sure of that. Surely it's a coincidence that China stocks all the healthy rice for themselves and exports the cheap, unhealthy types in masses.

I'm looking forward to post #3 where you post all your highly reputable sources to back up your claims.


Welcomed because of their stable government, good manufacturing practices, and strong social ideals and commitment to inclusive, representative governance.

Feared because of their hyper-introverted economic focus to the detriment of their neighbors and econo-imperialist tendencies.

Unknown because it's a large distance between where they are now and exerting their influences on a greater scale than they already do, and just as unknown what they would be able to do with it.


People said much the same about the USSR, and Japan, and countless other groups at various points. That it may be technically imaginable for China to deploy their myriad resources to gain explicit hegemony over the entire world. I'm not saying that it's impossible, but it fails the Occam's razor test pretty badly.


Selective Quote

~Too Late - Too Soon~


Who cares about the USA or Germany?

Because that is the topic of the thread? If you want to discuss the chinese takeover of our land and values, you can make a thread too, you know.

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

The only dangerous country on this planet is China.

China is a nuisance, not a danger.

While America’s reputation has been dropping in recent years, China is seen virtually worldwide as being irresponsible as a world leader. Say what you will about America, but they are not the ones blatantly violating human rights and bullying their neighbors over island disputes.

I am sure we all remember the video of the toddler being run over in China twice and passed by by 15 people before someone helped.
2 weeks later a garbage truck ran over a 5-year-old boy just outside his home on his way to school, and the driver backed up over him (even parking on top of him) to make sure he was dead, because paying for a funeral is less expensive than paying for long-term hospital bills.

The world cannot accept such a country as a prominent figure. A country in which everyone is corruptChina is the 80th most corrupt nation in the world whereas America is only the 19th.
(Notice how I present citations for the things I post.)

Xi has managed to change the tone of China’s diplomatic phrases to be more open-ended and allow them room to maneuver, but their most recent move was a huge mistake and major blow to their reputation in the world, a move which put distance between them and even their ally against Japan, South Korea. Fictional wars aside, China has put itself on the brink of a real war it cannot handle. Nor can the rest of the world. A war between America, Japan, and Australia against China (and maybe North Korea, who is just as likely to bomb China as it is Japan with its accuracy) would leave no winners anywhere (and certainly not China), but just because the world depends on China to a large degree does not mean China does not depend on the world to a larger degree.

Before putting so much faith in China, it should be noted that even under default America’s debt markets are the safest and most liquid in the world, and China with all its supposed might and prowess did not dare to take advantage of the situation, nor will they ever, especially since their economic bubble is about to burst.

Good luck with your faith in China.

Germany? No problem. They aren’t harassing their neighbors and aren’t ruled by Hitler anymore, right?

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

A country in which everyone is corruptChina is the 80th most corrupt nation in the world whereas America is only the 19th. (Notice how I present citations for the things I post.)

Notice the wording of that phrase biggrin.png


My journals: dustArtemis ECS framework and Making a Terrain Generator

In China, 'everyone is guilty of corruption'

My phrasing aligns with the citation quite well.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

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