Meaning, you can only design a game that doesn't fully exist yet. Design is the act of envisioning a game that doesn't exist, then development is the accompanying act of making that vision come into existence.
That's the word! Development!
So you have Game Design and then you have Game Development. I think this is where I was aiming when I asked if there are any game makers/designers. I guess it is only natural for someone to come to GameDev (Game Development) to ask questions about "developing" games. So perhaps naturally you wouldn't have so many people asking questions about "designing" a game.
Talking about Game Design is a whole other conversation than talking about Game Development. And perhaps it is just a confusion of the two terms as to why I see more development posts rather than design posts.
Perhaps the term "Game Maker" then is the combination of both designing and developing a game.
I was only seeing half of it though.
Even then, I can't see one without the other. Either way you wouldn't have a game if the other isn't there, because Game design is not only choosing the correct design for your game idea, but actually having a design in the first place for your game.
I mean, an iPad has a specific design to make it as efficient as it is. I could just get the cheapest parts and slap a display on a piece of metal and use a car battery to power my custom made tablet, but not much consideration would have gone into that design other than the fact that I would blow up the whole block as soon as I tried to press the power button. haha. And would it even be a tablet then?
That is why I know my "game" isn't a game. I just have models and animations and lights and a program, but I have no real game design (as is portrayed in the "Art of game mechanics" panel I posted).