Almost all strategies (and all 4x) have a map and units moving on the map and fighting other units.
I look for ideas how such a map can be used/done, but without units killing other units.
For the purpose of this discussion let's say it's a map of provinces and you run some sort of a kingdom/country. But that's just for simplification, if you have ideas for a space map for example, say it.
My random thoughts:
- such game can (and probably should) be asymetric, like you run a detailed country, but the AI is either greatly simplified or just present as an event (invasion forces, rebels). The AI does not need to play by the same rules as played do.
- probably, all/most provinces should be owned by the player or be neutral (no other countries on the map, more like a domestic map)?
- Pandemic boardgame could be an inspiration I guess (spread of epidemy on a map, asymetric gameplay).
- Maybe some economic connections between provinces could be the way to go?
I've skimmed through a few of these replies and have a suggestion:
- Create a map (be it nations, planets, whatever) that fits whatever generation you want -- one region can be rich in certain resources while another can be almost dry, the distances can vary, and nothing has to be symmetric.
- The goal of the game can be to conquer/control the map or some other set goal (control all ice regions, have a monopoly on mining, etc.)
- To control or take over a region, you have to have the greatest influence, and hold that influence for a set time limit (which is affected by how much influence you have: control requirement = baseline requirement of nation + current influence of controlling party = influence * time)
- Influence is gained by the things you do for your region(s): ensure you have plenty of housing, have some form of entertainment to keep the populace happy, keeping a stable economy, advancing technology, etc.
- Natural disasters and diseases can exist and be a side enemy, where your region(s) have to have adequate health care technology or some way of combating the disasters, like seismographs for earthquakes to detect and prepare.
- Potentially you could have rebels/raiders that pillage your region(s) and you must protect yourself with law enforcement, walls, or something of that sort. This avoids actually have battles and units killed, and gives another way that influence can be affected: well protected areas have a happier populace and a safer atmosphere, while areas constantly pillaged are less happier and more likely to defect, if you will.
- With multiple nations/planets/regions you can incorporate a distance element where influences only spread so far, mostly by word of mouth. Technologies like radio broadcasting, mail, or perhaps having missionaries/ambassadors could increase the distance your influence stretches.
- With the influence idea, you can incorporate various sides, so it is not just one entity trying to maintain control, giving a force to work against without having actual battles, and this could even allow other players to play, and gives more variation to your game: nations could have different play styles, where one is more directed at technology upgrades, another prefers using missionaries, and a third goes for disaster and disease protection.
EDIT: Control Requirement equation adjusted.