Well I feel that C# is beating me right now. here's my progress so far.
- Method for creating rooms in the game and adding exits to them.
- Game loop
- Intro including storing character name as string (dunno if i'll use it again its more a hello so and so your adventure starts here type thing)
- Put the level list into the room class rather than having it in the program class (was easier than I thought)
- Put a few tester levels in to make sure everything works and navigation is possible
- Basic commands such as "help", "go", "quit" all working as intended.
To Do;
- Add items in (currently working on and its frustrating)
- Add inventory display to the game
- Add Player health to the game (shouldn't be hard to do to be honest, just gonna do it later)
- Add Traps to the game that have can affect player health
- Add monsters that need to be defeated to progress (will add weapons, easy once items are in)
- Finish the game!!
My first idea for adding items in was using a method within a separate class as I did with the rooms to list the items in the game and link them together. I can list them but i'm currently working out how to actually link them together e.g. If the players writes the command "take item" it will look to see if there is an item linked to this room and if so display that the item has been picked up and also write that it has been taken. I can't seem to link a level to an item (from class to class).
Also this is due in next week so I have decided I will hand in the bare minimum required to pass the criteria and keep this as an ongoing personal project. I want to eventually have this as a finished game that I can keep adding to =P
Starting object orientated programming next month so im sure a lot of this stuff will become clearer on how I should approach them.
Cheers for any help that anyone has given so far it's been much appreciated.