Hello there, I am currently enrolled in a game interface course and would appreciate some feedback on a few movement functions for my theoretical stealth RPG. There are three major movement functions that I would like to implement but unsure on if they would just overcomplicate the game so would appreciate any feedback on ways to change them and make them work well inside the game or thoughts on which method would be best. Thank you for your time and if you have any questions or need anything defined/clarified please let me know. I will also bold the major concepts for easier reading.
I have always wanted a primary stealth RPG. There are a few games that have pushed me closer to wanting this specific goal is to become an actual game. These games include Assassin’s Creed, Thief series, and the Batman games. For the interface of my game I would like you to imagine that you are a character trying to escape from an evil corporation. The game can either be played with brute force or complete stealth.
- One of the special functions would be a dash ability that would allow the player to make a quick dash to specific locations depending on how high the skill is upgraded. This could range from a simple sprint or to a slight teleport styled dash to get to areas while unseen. This function would be used by pressing in the left thumb-stick on a controller and is essential for getting through certain areas before the NPCs notice you.
- Another idea I had for it would be a grapple hook swing type attachment. I am not too sure on the specifics on this or if it would compete with the dash ability. This item would be used to climb to higher structures and allow the player to swing across gap traps laid out before them. The player would need to aim the weapon by pressing the Right trigger and then use the A/X button on the controller to shoot the projectile at the target. They would then be allowed to pull themselves up to that area or swing across an area that would be too far to dash across.
- The last function I would like to mention is the blend/hide ability. There are a few games that already have a sneak ability but this one would be different in the fact that it would actually allow the player to blend into the shadows. The B/O button would be used to activate the ability and must be used while the HUD shows no one is able to see the player. This means they can’t just vanish in the middle of an encounter. The player would be able to blend into shadows and travel through any connecting shadows. There would be a meter that would show how long the player can stay in the shadows to keep it from being fully hidden.