

Started by November 12, 2013 10:40 PM
17 comments, last by Icebone1000 10 years, 10 months ago

I was wondering if someone could do something for me... Is it possible for someone to make a game project for me in which I would only be be responsible for importing new meshes and animations and textures into?

I really don't like spending time trying to do stuff inside of computer programs as I'm really not good at it. I do have a basic understanding of what games are made up of. I know there is code to tell it how to operate, I know there are meshes and animations and textures too.

I want to make a large custom game, but I lack the intelligence to do it myself.

I was wondering if someone could do something for me... Is it possible for someone to make a game project for me in which I would only be be responsible for importing new meshes and animations and textures into?

No one is going to do this, unless you can either A. show you are a very talented artist, have a clear design, and can get a programmer on board with your idea. or B. have alot of money to pay someone to program the game.

I really don't like spending time trying to do stuff inside of computer programs as I'm really not good at it. I do have a basic understanding of what games are made up of. I know there is code to tell it how to operate, I know there are meshes and animations and textures too.

I want to make a large custom game, but I lack the intelligence to do it myself.

you best bet would be to use tools such as unity, or game maker. unity well still require you to be able to develop the game logic, but there are tons of tutorials out there.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

Come one, why won't no one do this... This is the real world... we are all adults... how come stuff like this isn't available for stupid people like me to mess around with.

Why does everyone say that you need to build a project from the ground up? How come there aren't simple set ups where you can just import animations and textures and meshes???

Come one, why won't no one do this... This is the real world... we are all adults... how come stuff like this isn't available for stupid people like me to mess around with.

Why does everyone say that you need to build a project from the ground up? How come there aren't simple set ups where you can just import animations and textures and meshes???

There are, it's called Game Maker or other programs that let you use textures and meshes and set up some simple logic (like game rules, gameplay scripts, AI, etc..) to have a game running. What's the problem? Or did you think you could make an AAA game selling millions just by having others do nearly all the work? The real world doesn't work that way.

“If I understand the standard right it is legal and safe to do this but the resulting value could be anything.”

The best way to do this is modding!

Buy any existing commercial game that supports mod tools. The whole game is done already, so there's nothing that you have to make yourself. You can then go and modify/replace/add just the content that you want to.

What I'm asking for is if someone could give me a project that is already done, and I could just import my own meshes into... Yes that is what I am asking and I don't know why everyone says "why do you think someone will do it for you"


Actually there are web sites like apptopia where you can buy existing games and reskin and resell them yourself.

It isn't cheap, but they do exist and there are people who make a living by flipping games, just like there are people who make a living by flipping real estate.

(Of course there are a lot more people who lose money by doing both, but it is something that a few people are successful at.)

What I'm asking for is if someone could give me a project that is already done, and I could just import my own meshes into... Yes that is what I am asking and I don't know why everyone says "why do you think someone will do it for you"

When I was late 13 I had tons of game ideas all drawn up and large elaborate maps to be quested in the vein of Legend of Zelda, but no one to program them for me.

Was my solution to beg online for someone to be my coder?


I learned to program on my own starting then and there, knowing fully well that no sane person is going to spend all that time to bring to life games that aren’t even his or her idea, and for no payment. I was only 13 and never even considered any other option but helping myself. I’m not sure why you would ever think anyone would ever respond well to your request.

Why do you think someone will do it for you?

When I was in the same situation I just learned to program—problem solved. Why can’t you?

I don't know why everyone says "why do you think someone will do it for you"

What motivation would a person have?

Like you, most people are interested in making their own ideas come to life. Apparently you should be able to empathize with that, but instead you seem to think you are the only one who has ideas that need to be made.

Every programmer and his or her dog has his or her own ideas as well, and there is no reason to be a slave to your idea when he or she could spend the same time being mentally satisfied at trying to make his or her own game come to life.

I can’t believe you don’t understand why people are saying this.

Do you believe programmers are just robots? Do you believe only you have an idea that needs to get made? Do you believe programmers just program for the sake of programming, with no actual goal in mind until someone like you comes along to give them one?

Newsflash: Most programmers have the same background as my own in that they have their own ideas and they view programming as a means of implementing their own ideas for themselves (and of course the higher salary is a factor for some).

They spent the time to learn on their own or via school and, in light of the fact that they have better things to do (make their own games), it is perfectly reasonable for a programmer to have the attitude, “I went out of my way and took the time and effort to learn programming on my own, and it is unfair for you to try to take a lazy shortcut and stand on the shoulders of my own past hard word—help yourself like I did.”

As has been mentioned, there are existing tools available, plus the ability to mod many games, and dare I say we, the programmers of the world, have done a very good job at making these technologies available to everyone, not just programmers.

You will need programming to some degree no matter what, but you can certainly dabble until you become proficient.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

What I'm asking for is if someone could give me a project that is already done, and I could just import my own meshes into... Yes that is what I am asking and I don't know why everyone says "why do you think someone will do it for you"

"Can someone build me a house, in which I can change the wallpaper and carpet? I don't understand why nobody will make me a house, so I can redecorate it."

Come one, why won't no one do this... This is the real world... we are all adults...

Some of us are....
void hurrrrrrrr() {__asm sub [ebp+4],5;}

There are ten kinds of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't.

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