

Started by November 12, 2013 10:40 PM
17 comments, last by Icebone1000 10 years, 10 months ago

Or did you think you could make an AAA game selling millions just by having others do nearly all the work? The real world doesn't work that way.

Isn't that exactly what the execs do?

No one is going to do this for you, but you've been given a number of reasonable alternatives:

  1. Pay someone to do this for you.
  2. Mod an existing game; this is almost exactly what you want, but can sometimes be a little restrictive depending on the game in question.
  3. Try a "game maker" style tool or simple engine that requires minimal or no programming. I made two lists of potential options HERE and HERE, but there are many more than that out there.

We're adults, and this is the real world -- people aren't just going to do all the hard work for you, and if you want to make games you have to put in some minimum level of effort. No one is telling you that you need to start building a game "from the ground up", but you're not going to have someone just hand over a code-complete project either.

It sounds like modding or working with a game-maker-like tool might be a good match for you, but you'll still have to put in the work to learn how to do so.

Alternatively, if you really want to make games and don't want to go to the additional effort you could try to find some work (either volunteer or paid) creating art for other people's games; you would be giving up any creative control of the game's design, but you would only have to produce artwork like you want to do.

//EDIT: You could also try an open-sourced game that's similar to what you want to create, but again you'll probably need at least some programming knowledge to tweak the game-play.

- Jason Astle-Adams


Isn't that exactly what the execs do?

Yeah, they certainly don't run a business or pay the devs salaries or anything like that.

Come one, why won't no one do this... This is the real world... we are all adults... how come stuff like this isn't available for stupid people like me to mess around with.

Because no-one is interested in the output of stupid people. As has already been pointed out, there are plenty of tools available that do not require coding, but you're so bloody lazy you couldn't even be bothered to do some reasearch.
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

Yeah, they certainly don't run a business or pay the devs salaries or anything like that.

Someone didn't get a joke on the internet? Shocking.

I'm a bit confused at what is being asked for here.

I know everybody is replying that nobody is going to do this for you because "why should they?".

But is the issue that you are unaware of engines like Unity, UDK or Crytek that will allow you to do exactly what you are asking for. No programming required just import your stuff and see it in the game.

Is the OP asking for somebody to create something because he / she doesn't realize it already exists or are they genuinly expecting somebody to create a complete game for them for free?

Doesn't Blender have its own game engine built in? That might be an interesting place to start.

"I would try to find halo source code by bungie best fps engine ever created, u see why call of duty loses speed due to its detail." -- GettingNifty

Yeah, they certainly don't run a business or pay the devs salaries or anything like that.

Someone didn't get a joke on the internet? Shocking.

Kinda like Poe's law, but with stupidity instead of fundamentalism. biggrin.png

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

Is the OP asking for somebody to create something because he / she doesn't realize it already exists or are they genuinly expecting somebody to create a complete game for them for free?

Prrreeeeety sure the OP is just trolling. Just saying.

this is a (mostly) programmers site, so why there cant be a programmer in the looks for a modeler, that are looking to someone to do the modeling stuff for him..oh yeah, because nobody would do this right? well, look that, this guy right here seems like would to me.. just sayin..

hes not asking to do his project, if I get it correctly hes asking for a project..hes basically offering free art

Im thinking no one got the right idea here (of course theres that small chance that the one who didnt get shit is me ¦D)

What I'm asking for is if someone could give me a project that is already done, and I could just import my own meshes into... Yes that is what I am asking and I don't know why everyone says "why do you think someone will do it for you"

Look for projects on the announcements Help Wanted Classifieds section, theres always ppl in the need for modelers..I dont think you will ever find a project 'done', unless is something that didnt succeeded and got abandoned..And of course, ppl will look for best candidates, its more likely to join projects where ppl have the same level of skill as you

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