This is for a 2d MOBA for Tablets (initially Android only, iPad too eventually) game, more details available at I’m reasonably close to being done with my first major milestone which is an early, fully playable (though very buggy and lacking much features) prototype. For the rest of this discussion I will make use of LoL terminology just as a point of reference.
As currently stands, there are 2 teams. Each team has 1 starbase and the rest are all starships (currently each team just has a single all-round class of starship). Planets are placed randomly around the map upon initialization, with about 1/3 assigned to each team or neutral. One of each team’s planets is randomly designated as the Citadel. The first team to capture the opposing team’s citadel wins the game.
Planets you own produce armies on occasion, and to capture another planet, you go to one of your planets with an army, pick it up, and drop it on an enemy planet (making it “neutral”) or onto a neutral planet (capturing it for your side). The benefit of owning planets is they can be upgraded with defense grids, giving your team a tactic advantage in fights near them as well as fuel and repair stations, which help your team project a deeper presence. I haven’t implemented minions yet, but each planet will produce 1-2 minions periodically.
Currently, you join the game and are randomly assigned to any open slot on either team, possibly including the Starbase if it is available.
So this is all well and good :) But I think the game just needs more depth and strategy to it, even out the gate. So here is my new proposal (see attached image too), that adds a lot of structure to team composition and the map:
There will still be 2 teams. However, instead of each team being 1 race as it is now, instead each team will consist of 3 races.
Each Race will consist of 3 players, making a total of 9 players per team.
Each team will have 1 Race designated as the team’s Primary race that consists of the following:
Explorer Starship x2
Each team will also have 2 other races, in this configuration:
Cruiser Starship x2
Support Starship
Cruiser Starships are like all round offensive ships.
You can think of Explorer Starships like Junglers, they have high sustain and are the best for soloing “jungle” camps, ganking, and mobility.
Support Starships are a cross between “support” champions in LoL (healers etc), and the Engineer in TF2.
At the game start, each race will have a Capital planet, with the Primary race’s capital being the Citadel.
Capital planets, Citadels, and Starbases each will give a Racial proximity bonus to nearby starships of their race. Citadels and Capital Planets will have a higher tier of defense grid than other planets can achieve.
Onto the proposed map: Team A will consist of Maroon, Red, and Orange. Team B will consist of Purple, Blue, and Cyan. Each color represents a distinct Race. Each planet that your team controls will periodically produce minions. The arrows show the direction these minions move. I put arrows for Team A’s left side, but it is symmetric, so the right side of the map is the same thing. Team B will have minions too of course, again symmetric to what you see, create 2 “lanes” that go from the Citadels’s of each team roughly towards the left and right sides of the map and then back in again toward’s the other team’s Citadel.
There are Jungle areas which are encounters that can be fought over to get experience and buffs, and a “Super Jungle” which is a particularly tough one that isn’t winnable until later in the game when starships are leveled up enough.