Quick thing,
Where is a good place to get good and FULL set Sprite Maps?
I would prefer free but if they are of a high enough quality I would be happy to pay for them.
Basically I am working on a 2d Turn Based/JRPG but a lot less manga and a lot more Dungeons and Dragons.
My code is coming along nicely but I "have all the artistic talent of a cluster of colourblind hedgehogs... in a bag"
I would ideally be looking for Textures/Scenery/Background, Monsters and some player character sprites.
Can you contact artists looking to have custom sprite sheets made up? (For money.) or is there a site where you can get "Off the shelf" sets as it where.
I have a bit of a Google but nothing is grabbing me.
Thanks for the help and apologies if I am being a full.