

Started by October 26, 2013 01:32 PM
16 comments, last by L. Spiro 10 years, 10 months ago

L. Spiro, not sure what your capable of while sleeping, but might want to consider perhaps installing a more complicated unlocking mechanism for your door? I'd be scared as all hell knowing that i end up outside while asleep.

But when you are in this state of sleep walking, half asleep brain wise and your body fully woken, you will be capable of doing almost anything.

Look at the case of L. Spiro, sleepwalking, messing with computers, hardware wise. So unfortunately I don't think a lock will be enough, as you will know where the key or what is required is hidden or what needs to be done.

I'm afraid you don't have the same kind of common sense whilst you sleepwalk, which opens for a whole new range of things which you can do while in that state, shooting, hardware, eating, driving (When driving your mind is quite concentrated from what I've heard [I don't have a car...]).

So it might work for a while, but I do believe that the brain will find a way around it.


[background=#fafbfc]Don't sleepwalk[/background]

How do you suggest that we do that, it's not like it's voluntary? biggrin.png


yes, you caught onto my real intent with that statment;-). as for complicated, perhaps a digital lock on your phone, thats password protected? since it seems like activly typing text for L. Spiro was a challenge.
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The inside locks on my door are actually quite complex. I didn’t even know how to lock my door from the inside for about a month after moving in, and I am 100% sure it was locked on the occasion when I took things about of my room.

In fact, guess how to unlock it and win a prize!

It’s muscle memory to me now but that is probably the main point.
No matter what I do, when I need to undo it while I am awake it will become muscle memory that will be easily reproducable in my sleep.
I wasn’t exactly coherent on Skype, but I knew enough that I had plugged in my USB microphone and brought my headphones over, though I did not plug them in (necessary to do a chat).
The frank fact is that part of the reason I have been single all my life is out of a little concern regarding this. My Skype “conversation” with her shows my true feelings towards her. Happiness. Joy.
But what if we just have a 1-day slight disagreement. I love her the same and I would get over it.
But if that is the night I sleepwalk and if I did something to her or her daughter there is no possible way I could ever forgive myself.
I’ve thought about how to prevent it and I don’t see any answer.
Anything I do normally becomes muscle memory that can be reproduced during sleepwalking. Keycodes won’t work, etc.
By the way, am I the only one here who sleepwalks?
I thought it was fairly common, found out it is not, but still expect someone else here does it.
L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

I don't sleepwalk. With me, it's more like staying up days on end and then doing things like having 15-45 minutes where I don't remember anything - I could have fallen asleep standing up, who knows.

The inside locks on my door are actually quite complex. I didn’t even know how to lock my door from the inside for about a month after moving in, and I am 100% sure it was locked on the occasion when I took things about of my room.

In fact, guess how to unlock it and win a prize!
attachicon.gifDoor.png you twist one or both of the circle things to be horizontal for locking, and vertical for unlocking? also, is it dual-locks?

It’s muscle memory to me now but that is probably the main point.
No matter what I do, when I need to undo it while I am awake it will become muscle memory that will be easily reproducable in my sleep.

so, you need sometype of unlocking puzzle that is random on each use, easy enough that a coherent you could solve, but not so easy you can just go through the motions. Although even if you could solve it, sleeping you might just deceide to use a window(if possible), which might be far worse if your not on ground floor.
Check out for some great games made by me on the Playstation Mobile market.

By any chance, did you look like this when you were a kid?


I have sleepwalked before a few times, I haven't for quite a while though.

One time when I was really young(<10), my sister tried to wake me up. She told me she would wait for me if I had to go to the bathroom, when I went the wrong way(not to the bathroom, but rather the kitchen) she asked me what I was doing, and I replied "I'm going to use the pot". I tried to urinate in the cabinet where we kept the pots and pans. It was kind of funny hearing about it, but it was also kind of scary to think I would do something like that in a sleepwalking state. That was really the most remarkable sleepwalking event for me.

I did have a dream once(the memory of it is quite spotty but I remember the important parts) where moving was difficult and frustrating, like I was semi-paralyzed, and I was crawling around the floor of my room. I remember some other things happening, what exactly I don't know, but in the dream I started to hit my head off of the floor and flail around violently. When I woke up my head was throbbing. I always wondered if I had really been dreaming or if I was sleepwalking and had some recollection of it.

I would talk to your doctor about it if it's a big issue though. According to Wikipedia there are ways to help people with sleepwalking problems.


When I was in high school, my father went out of town on business. In the middle of the night (so the story goes), I went to my sleeping mother with a balled-up pillow (pillow fight style) and hit her with it several times, said "There." and went back to sleep in my room. Since I had a history of sleepwalking, I got a pass.

Sleepwalking is cool.

The Four Horsemen of Happiness have left.

Your story has made me laugh out loud. Thank you.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

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