I have two 3d vectors A and B. There exist 2 vectors orthogonal to vector A that lies in plane defined by A and B (plane that A and B lies in). How do I find those two vectors?
Thanks much!
[edit] little keys typo
I have two 3d vectors A and B. There exist 2 vectors orthogonal to vector A that lies in plane defined by A and B (plane that A and B lies in). How do I find those two vectors?
Thanks much!
[edit] little keys typo
The cross product between A and B gives you N, the normal of the plane spanned by A and B. The corss product between A and N gives you a vector that is perpendicular to A, and also perpendicular to the normal N and thus it has to be on the place.
Any scalar times the cross product of A and N also perpendicular to A and on the place spanned by A and B, so there is an infinite number of such vectors, not just two.
Thanks. Awesome. I ment two directions, unit vectors, I will just pick the one that is <90deg to B vector by a simple dot product sign check.