
orthogonal in plane

Started by October 23, 2013 05:31 PM
2 comments, last by Brother Bob 11 years, 3 months ago


I have two 3d vectors A and B. There exist 2 vectors orthogonal to vector A that lies in plane defined by A and B (plane that A and B lies in). How do I find those two vectors?

Thanks much!

[edit] little keys typo

The cross product between A and B gives you N, the normal of the plane spanned by A and B. The corss product between A and N gives you a vector that is perpendicular to A, and also perpendicular to the normal N and thus it has to be on the place.

Any scalar times the cross product of A and N also perpendicular to A and on the place spanned by A and B, so there is an infinite number of such vectors, not just two.


Thanks. Awesome. I ment two directions, unit vectors, I will just pick the one that is <90deg to B vector by a simple dot product sign check.


Work out the correct order of the cross product arguments instead and you don't need to do that. Done the right way, you will always get the one closest to B.

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