With SFML like was originally proposed I am almost positive you can get a window up and running with the exact same code. For the most part if people use standard C++ calls and didn't get absolutely crazy with SFML(I think their are a few calls that act different on the different OS's) then it should compile just fine for everyone. I just migrated my SF code over to Linux from Windows and it compiled and ran without one problem. That's the beauty of SFML. How easy it is to get going with it and how easy it is to work with other OS'sThis sounds awesome. I've been wanting to be more active on here/contribute to little projects and contests. This would be a great way without putting any stress or taking up a lot of any single person's time.
These are kind of conflicting if it's to be truly cross-platform and native. What about X calls on linux? And on Mac unless you launch from shell and use fullscreen only it's pretty close to impossible to have a game running without some Obj-C (unless you opt for X as well I suppose). I haven't done anything Windows in a very long time but I'm pretty sure you'd need some specific calls, HWND's and all that junk to get something running as well haha.
- Dependencies are limited to the standard library and the multimedia library only. No OS-specific calls
- The code must compile on your platform of choice, and should strive to be cross platform
I think that should be the only area allowed to have those dependencies, just so it can get up and running.
Of course this wouldn't matter if it's browser based. Or Java.
Whoops, my fault, thought it said SFMT (http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~m-mat/MT/SFMT/). That would make more sense lol. Just looked up SFML; I think that should do it then, looks awesome!