@ Bregma. Usually the installer from Nvidia works better than from the archives after installing the kernel source. Personal experience to update drivers.
No. The downloaded nVidia installer copies over the various OpenGL libraries and some other system libraries instead of linking them through the alternatives system as a good package would do. It also clobbers some of your system configuration files. It's fine if you never want to remove the package or even upgrade properly, or if your preferred method of upgrading is to wipe the disk and reinstall, but if you're used to smooth problem-free upgrades, or if there are bugs in the nVidia driver (and there often are in releases that have not been tested by the Ubuntu package maintainers), you're in for a bad time. If you use your system for work and need to rely on it, stick to the Ubuntu packages.
I have never had a problem installing and uninstalling the nVidia packages from the Ubuntu archives. I have had a great deal of trouble using the drivers downloaded from the nVidia site. Fortunately I have personal connections with the people who maintain these things, or I would have had difficult getting my system back to a working state. Personal experience updating the drivers.