Thing is, even if christians don't outright kill you now (they still did 200 years ago, and the muslims still do today), they still try to enforce their belief onto you, and not rarely with borderline legal means.
I know of people who live a bit on the countryside in bavaria, which is still somewhat more christian than other places. So one day, the philister priest walks up to them and declares that their children are not to play in the garden on sunday, because that day belongs to God, and they had better be in church anyway. They bid him a good day and sent him away. Since then they're not being served any more in the bakery and are denied entering the grocer or the town's tavern. So, they have to drive to the next town because that christian hypocrite is pissed and instigates his crowd of religious bullies not to deal with the "heretics".
Similar story happened a year or two ago with some protestant hypocrite (not on the countryside, but in the city) who filed a lawsuit against people who were celebrating and dancing on Good Friday. Because, according to him, "Good Friday belongs to us". Well, fuck you, priest. Who do you think you are? How dare you be so arrogant as to say you own a day of my life and you are entitled to tell me what to do and what not to do?
In a world where there's justice, such a person would be in jail. Seeing how they're all either pedophiles or thieves (or both), they belong there anyway.
Presuming God exists, God should make fire and brimstone rain on that guy's house and strike him with lightning. In a perfect world, that is.
Oh, and then of course they pull the bells every sunday at 10. We have laws against noise pollution, and the noise they make is an order of magnitude above what the law defines as noise. It's also very clearly happening during a time which is defined as "rest period". Which is what I'm doing too, at 10 in the morning on sunday, rest.
Heck, I have to follow this law. But of course the law doesn't apply to Good christians.The law is for everyone else, only not for them. Doesn't matter if their public announcement of gathering for collective breach of their second commandment wakes me up.
The muslims aren't allowed to sing their weird chants from their mosques five times per day (and I'm happy that they aren't, heck I'd hate that...). But then, we live in a country where allegedly everybody is equal and free, and where everybody allegedly has the same rights. So how can you allow one and not allow the other?