
Religious experiences

Started by October 15, 2013 10:13 PM
66 comments, last by cr88192 10 years, 10 months ago

I don't know if the WBC people actually believe their stuff, or if they are mostly just trolling people, either way...
They're a shady business, founded and run by lawyers, who make their money by trolling people at the very limits of legality, and then suing anyone who (predictably) infringes their rights by interfering said trolling, or attacking them. If anyone lower down in the church actually goes along with it due to beliefs, then that also makes them an evil cult, exploiting people with false beliefs for their own personal profit.

I don't know if the WBC people actually believe their stuff, or if they are mostly just trolling people, either way...
They're a shady business, founded and run by lawyers, who make their money by trolling people at the very limits of legality, and then suing anyone who (predictably) infringes their rights by interfering said trolling, or attacking them. If anyone lower down in the church actually goes along with it due to beliefs, then that also makes them an evil cult, exploiting people with false beliefs for their own personal profit.

yeah, pretty much.

I more meant as in if they were simply trolling for money, and using religion as a cover, or if the people there actually believe in what they are trolling for (even then, it is not good...).

then again, sometimes, it isn't necessarily like a lot of the megachurches are a whole lot better...

"hey, attend service, where you pay an admittance fee to sit in theater seating and watch the leader put on a performance...".

yeah, so totally not about the money...

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